Monday, June 17, 2013

Zen Monday #247

Welcome to Zen Monday, where you caption the photo, mostly because I don't know what to say.


Unknown said...


Kalei's Best Friend said...

Feng shui all the way!!

Petrea Burchard said...

Cliff: I saw your comment first in my email. Couldn't remember what I'd posted. Had to look at the photo and think about it for a minute. The reward was the laugh.

I'll look it up, KBF, and see how this fits in.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

bottoms up

Petrea Burchard said...

Literally, PA.

LOLfromPasa said...

Petrea...Doing captions is not my forte BUT I do love this photo. Bazaar or what?

Petrea Burchard said...

Sure. Or we could just say, "creative."

Margaret said...

This is why you must always check to see if there is water in the pool.

Petrea Burchard said...

Oh gosh ouch.

Ms M said...

Then there are those who stick their heads in the sand.

I wonder if the colored balls light up at night? And then music comes on, and then the legs dance? A little garden disco.

Katie said...

Maybe this is a re-creation of a synchronized swimming scene from an Esther Williams movie, in light of her recent passing.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Katie, with the proviso that these dolls have rickets.

Trish said...

looks like my in-laws, they stick their heads in the sand and drink pretty colored drinks all the time to pretend reality isn't right in front of them!

TheChieftess said...

I'll take one of those pretty colored drinks!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

I could use one myself right now, Chieftess.

Latino Heritage said...

It appears the plants are newly planted. Perhaps the same is true for the legs. After a good watering and some warm sunshine, they will rise up and we will see their waist. Or at least their hips.

beckynot said...

It looks like Druid Easter!

Petrea Burchard said...

Many of these concepts are frightening to me!

Bellis said...

When little Laura was given her own patch of land to garden, her parents imagined she'd plant marigolds and pansies.

Petrea Burchard said...

Little Laura plants her Barbies, and they grow. By the end of the season, oh, the horror!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks to Ms M for that link.

Ms M said...

Ha! The link works very well with Bellis's comment :-)

postie said...

rock, rock, rock, candle, candle, rock, candle, candle, rock. Ok throw in little plants.