Monday, June 3, 2013

Zen Monday #245

I didn't forget Zen Monday. I just forgot to press "publish."


Bellis said...

I wondered what happened, as you'd never miss a Zen Monday. Had thoughts of you being sick in bed. Here's hoping the second Trinity will be as good as the first.

LOLfromPasa said...

I wondered, too,. Where's Zen Monday? Needless to say I am rubbish at thinking of captions but love the photos. we get a timely reminder too :). Cool!!!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

I guess you were being too good and forgot? I knew something was missing on Monday! :-)

BaysideLife said...

Tuesdays are kind of zennish too. Interesting photo. I like the shadow pointing to the directive.

Katie said...

Is be good a message intended to make dogs think twice about using this post as a marker spot?

Petrea Burchard said...

I was working. That's being good, at least in our society. I need to join a society where lying around and eating grapes is being good.

Unknown said...

Sounds like another time travel novel to me.

Unknown said...

To facilitate your urge to be lazy, you could say you didn't see the final letter because of the (most interesting shepherd's crook shaped) shadow, so you were just aspiring to "be goo."

Petrea Burchard said...

Cliff, you're right on both counts. We have traveled one day into the past, and it is Monday again. Also, I am goo.


Zen Mondays are too good to be forgotten - nice reminder for Monday+1:)

Anonymous said...

Glad it was all a mistake, else you might have had picketers outside your house.

Petrea Burchard said...

Lulu, I should've called it Zen Tuesday.

Hiker, the picketers who were here this morning were complaining about my other mistakes.

Ms M said...

"With a name like Trinity 11, you have to be good"

I missed your post, too, yesterday, but figured you wouldn't leave us hanging for too long without our weekly Zen.

I like the cool "shepherd's hook" shadow, too.

John Sandel said...

Well, we had the Trinity of the Christian era.
Then, the Trinity of physics, in '45.
Hey, a third Trinity makes a trifecta!

Petrea Burchard said...

Ms M, maybe we'll name our next pet Trinity II.

I second that, JS.

Adele said...

Maybe I'm being extra-cautious these days, but this place looks like a tripping hazard. So, if you can't Be Good, Be Careful!

Petrea Burchard said...

It's a barrier at the end of Altadena Drive. I suppose it keeps cars from going over from the asphalt onto the trail. That wouldn't be easy to do, but the previous barrier got bashed down so apparently someone managed it.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

"Be Good" pee within the designated area

Petrea Burchard said...

I promise, PA.

Susan Campisi said...

I like the shadow the ... metal thingie creates. Barrier?

I had a "be good" song on the tip of my tongue so I googled it. This came up:

I've never heard this song but now I'm glad I have. Thank you, P, for Zen Monday, even if it was on Tuesday.

Petrea Burchard said...

What an artful, lovely video, Susan. I hope the song will stay in my head because I always have one, and I like that one.

The barrier is at the west end of Altadena Drive, where one heads down the hill to enter the Gabrielino Trail.