Monday, May 13, 2013

Zen Monday #242

Around here, when Zen Monday arrives, we open our minds and let our imaginations tell us what the hell the picture's about. We don't have to agree. It's not a bad way to start the week.

Leave your thoughts in the comments.


Book Dragon said...

looks like someone's parade mask got too heavy.

Happy Mother's Day to all who nurture!
yes, I'm late...spent the day reading instead of visiting ;-)

Andy said...

I think his wife told him to go fly a kite:-)

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Is that a tall Date tree? if so, maybe its a huge 'bag' to catch the falling dates???

Unknown said...

Trash can tiki?


Hm, to quote a friend's remark on a similar sight several months ago: Looks like he, er, vomited (fiber?) coils (sorry! I couldn't think of a more no polite/delicate way of saying "vomit" in the English language). I like the Tiki idea!:)

TheChieftess said...

The world's largest kite...never got off the ground....

BettyS said...

This is how Easter Island got started. Next week there will be two ...

Trish said...

I know Hastings Ranch has CC&R's in regards to putting up Xmas decorations. Am wondering what holiday this is celebrating though!

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't know what CC&R's are but I can guess from your context. This is in Bungalow Heaven, so maybe theirs are lax.

Katie said...

Looks like Lion King has lost its leader.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

expressive use of laundry lint

Kalei's Best Friend said...

@PEtrea: CCR's are rules that a development/community has to follow..Condos have CCR's which stands for :Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
believe me its pure hell when a % of 'people' don't follow them... I put people in quotes since it makes me wonder if they are people who follow rules.....

Bellis said...

Looks like it's lonely, and followed you home. Don't feed it. Bang loudly on pots and pans to drive it away. If that doesn't work, take it to the Pasadena Nonhuman Society Shelter. They my be able to rehome it.

Petrea Burchard said...

The Human Society won't take it in, that's for sure.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Goodness me, we so have to find out what this is all about Petrea, is it functional or purely there to expand our imaginations :) good luck with the book.

Bellis said...

Yes, please tell us what is is.

Petrea Burchard said...

I have no idea what it is! I don't think it's there anymore. But the "giant kite" idea comes closest to my impression of it. Did anyone here see the Tournament of Roses Parade? Was there something like this in it?

This was sitting along the side of Mentor Street east of Walgreen's, a couple of months ago.

Ms M said...

Must have been a really good party....

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't even want to imagine it, Ms. M.

Susan Campisi said...

Doo Dah Parade leftover?

Petrea Burchard said...

Maybe so. I'll have to look up the date of the photo and get back to you.

Petrea Burchard said...

I took it on March 3, which was before Doo Dah, I think. After ToR, though.

Gunn said...

Something sad and embarrassing must have happened.

Petrea Burchard said...

Judging by the facial expression, I'd say that's very possible.