Friday, May 31, 2013


Traffic in downtown Pasadena is going to be seriously busy this weekend, because of Make Music Pasadena and the Grand Fondo Gira d'Italia bike ride.

Most of Make Music will be west of El Molino or so. Bikes, however, will be everywhere, so keep your eyes open and be careful!

I'm not much for crowds, so I'll probably head into the San Gabriels for a hike. But I think big events are great for Pasadena. And if you can get yourself over to Vroman's at 4pm on Saturday you can enjoy the launch of The Texas Twist by John Vorhaus. John and I both have stories in Literary Pasadena: The Fiction Edition.

I might even show up myself. I mean, hey, they have snacks.


Bellis said...

What a sweet photo. Boz must be looking for newts? Thanks for the warning about all the events. I was planning to do lots of Old Town type shopping tomorrow but will now avoid the whole area. As for the large bike gathering, I'm disappointed they haven't shown a map of the roads that'll be affected, as the photo on the website implies that they'll be taken over by fluorescent Lycra. I like cyclists, but not so much en masse. Maybe the San Gabriels really are the best place to be this weekend.


That capture is just beautiful - so serene (and anti-crowd). I'm not a big crowd person myself and the Princeton reunions are this weekend, it'll be madness but your comment about snacks have got me thinking of the food that'll be around. Hm, decisions...:) Hope yours will be a great weekend either way.

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't know what Boz saw in the water, Bellis, but I love how interest and concentration reshape a dog's physical attitude.

I guess I sounded negative about these celebrations, but really I'm not! Make Music Pasadena is hugely popular, with all kinds of bands and musicians playing at all sorts of venues.

Lulu, you have a difficult decision to make!

Desiree said...

Last year at this event we hung out by Corner Bakery and saw the Dustbowl revival while waiting for Santa Cecilia. Dustbowl will be tomorrow at the Levitt Pavilion, and I'm thinking of going--

Petrea Burchard said...

Love the Levitt. Sitting outside and listening to music is a good thing.

Shell Sherree said...

I'd want to hang around with you and Boz, no matter where that happened to be. Happy weekend, dear Petrea.

Anonymous said...

You're not negative, just considering your options.

Petrea Burchard said...

Boz doesn't "get" music, Shell, so when you show up we're hiking.

Good to have a lot of them, isn't it, Hiker?

Ms M said...

Beautiful setting! And I love Boz's curiosity -- and wonder what he's watching.

Katie said...

Very fun photo of Boz. I hope it wasn't too difficult to pull him away from this spot (although it looks like a great place to just chill out and enjoy nature). Sounds like there's plenty to do this weekend in Pasadena!

BaysideLife said...

I'd choose hiking any day, but music is like a magnate for me and I might just have to suffer the crowds. Sounds like Pasadena is the place to be this weekend. But then again...Boz seems to have found his own music.

Petrea Burchard said...

Just the movement of water is enough to interest him, Ms M.

Katie, dogs are easily distracted. They get interested in everything from water to lizards to a movement of a leaf in the breeze. It must be a lovely life.

Bayside, Pasadena is always the place to be!

Bellis said...

We did walk through Pasadena today and came across many areas with bands and stalls. It was marvellous! Then we went hiking in Millard Canyon and had the place to ourselves - I think everyone else was in the city enjoying the music.

Margaret said...

I wanted to go but I was at a high school graduation party. Did you make it to Vromans

Petrea Burchard said...

The best of both worlds, Bellis!

Margaret, it was my neighbor's 70th birthday party and that's the only thing I made it to. Not even a hike. I did get a margarita, though.

dive said...

A fabulous photo, Petrea. Perfectly composed and exposed and such a noble subject.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you, Dive. It's getting warm here. If you can get moving early in the morning you can hike anywhere because it's cool enough, but if you're like me, you need a shady canyon in the afternoon.

TheChieftess said...

Lovely spot for a walk!!!

Adele said...

I love his perked-up ears. Last night, as we were coming home, there was a mysterious arrow on a nearby phone pole. Then we came inside, i read your post, and mentioned the ride to Howie. This morning at about 8, I heard lots of bicyclists, and we realized the ride was going right by us, and the arrow we saw was for the cyclists to turn. It was pretty cool. I wanted to take a picture but wasn't quick enough to hobble out there, but settled for listening to them go by! Thanks for the heads up!

Deb said...

Love the photo. And I hope the snacks were yummy :)

Petrea Burchard said...

One of my favorites, Chieftess.

Pasadena was full of cyclists yesterday, Adele. As far as I know everyone had a good time.

Thank you, Debs!

Unknown said...

I'm amazed at the light. It makes this wonderful spot look magical and mysterious and what else. No doubt, a great shot, Petrea.

Susan Campisi said...

That's a nice spot for Boz and his human. There were a lot of options over the weekend. Sounds like the birthday party was a good choice.

Petrea Burchard said...

JM, thank you. That's especially nice to hear, coming from you.

I had a good time at the party, Susan, though parties are a bit much for Boz these days.