Friday, December 23, 2011

Seeing Red

I don't know what this plant is. It's not toyon, a red-berried plant with evergreen leaves of a rounder shape. I've spent a fair amount of time searching on the web with no luck. I don't know what words to use in my search string: "red berries," "pointy red leaves," "red stems," etc.; these are getting me nowhere. Any clues?

I'd fill my house with these berries if they weren't so much prettier outside where they belong.

Boz is having eye surgery today. He has a corneal ulcer--a sore cornea that won't heal on its own and has to be treated surgically. I wasn't going to post about it but damn it, I feel bad and I want to say so. I don't feel nearly as bad as Boz is going to feel when the anaesthetic wears off. He's an innocent creature and I can't explain to him why I'm leaving him alone at that scary place where he was fine when he went in and in pain when he came out.

Boz doesn't care as much for colors as I do. He doesn't see the berries as red. I don't think he cares about berries at all.


Shell Sherree said...

Oh, poor sweet Boz! I feel for you, Petrea. It's so frustrating not being able to explain or make it miraculously all right. But you will love him up and help him to forget the pain.

Bellis said...

Poor Boz. But he'll be all right, don't worry. Dogs have the gift of not anticipating things, so they don't get worried beforehand. And they heal fast.

Let us know how it goes.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Its a heavenly bamboo nandina... I had a shite load of them..btw if you ever buy a home depot houseplant called 'money tree' keep it away from pets.. my cat chewed on leaves and got sick!.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

more info:

btw when i took my cat into the vet we called poison control and they were able to look up info to see if it was poisonous...

Mister Earl said...

Aww... poor Boz. Hope he feels better soon.

Looks to me like dogs think in pastels!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you all. John and I both hate to put him through surgery. But we researched the alternatives and there aren't any good ones, at least not good enough for Boz.

Kalei, that's it! What a pretty plant. I like it. One doesn't notice it much until it turns read, then wow. I need to find a few spots around my house where those would work. I don't think Boz would eat the berries. He eats strange stuff but he finds his odd delectables on the ground.

Michael Coppess said...

I hope today goes well for Boz. On the plus side, his eye's gonna feel better and he's probably got some pretty good treats in store for him.

Petrea Burchard said...

Now I know why I posted about it. I think I wanted you all to reassure me and here you are, doing it. Thank you.

Michael, on my list of things to ask the doctor is "how soon can he have Greenies?"

Kalei's Best Friend said...

in case u didn't know: all bulbs are poisonous... my cairn use to eat them.. somehow she must of had a stomach of steel.
did u google the description of the bamboo? usually google can figure out the plant if u describe it.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

oh, meant to tell u this bamboo RESEEDS... so the berries do fall on the ground... i've had this bamboo start up in the weirdest spots...

Petrea Burchard said...

I didn't realize it was a bamboo so my description probably wasn't good enough for Google to get it.

Hmm. I think I'll try it. It sounds like a hearty plant and as I'm not the world's best gardener, hearty is a good choice for me.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

I didn;t like it because it needs to be shaped otherwise it gets leggy...

dive said...

Oh, poor Boz! I do hope he feels better quickly and gets back to gambolling in the mud and enjoying life to the full.

Diana said...

It's so hard when our pets need veterinary surgery and we have no way to explain what's happening to them or why. And let's not even discuss those plastic collars... My best wishes for a speedy recovery for Boz and soothing wishes for your nerves, which must be just shot to hell. Please take care.

Steven said...

All the best to Boz. Dogs are tough, they have been protecting their owners for centuries.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Dive. He's at the clinic now. He was so scared. I wish I could have stayed with him. But he'll be under anaesthesia now and will be gamboling in his mental mud.

Diana, I ran all my errands this morning and will now try baking and/or housework to keep my mind off it. It's not even major surgery. I'm sure he'll be fine, I just need to not think about it.

Steven, you have the right idea, although John and I agree that although Boz looks like a tough guy, inside he's a teeny little puffy dog with a bow on his head.

Anonymous said...

I'm 99.9% certain that plant is a Nandina ...

Mister Earl said...

I put "tall with leaves" into Google and it came up with mulberry.

alex said...

this may get confused with mistletoe. no kissing peeps!

best wishes to Boz:)

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Anon. I'm pretty sure you and Kalei have it right.

Ha! Earl, Google will always find something.

Alex, mais non, my friend! Don't kiss any impostors! Mistletoe berries are white.

TheChieftess said...

Ahhhh...Kelly and I send our best wishes, a few hugs, and a couple of licks to Boz!!! Kelly also wants to know what the fuss is all about...she had her "knee" surgery and when we went back for a follow up she got so excited to see the doctor she almost knocked him over!!! Although she does hope Boz doesn't have to wear that silly cone...she found that quite annoying...

Petrea Burchard said...

Chieftess, I wish Boz had Kelly's enthusiasm for doctors. I know they have his best interest at heart but he doesn't believe it for a second.

I've just brought him home from the clinic. He sighed as loudly as he could, all the way home in the car. Once inside the house he fell fast asleep.

Trish said...

Poor Boz---they do actually anticipate things---otherwise they wouldn't watch out the front window for you. However, not knowing why one is going to the vet, other than "my eye hurts a skosh" is different.

Glad he's ok. That sighing is a riot, he is communicating his displeasure. Big ole marshmallow inside (of which I know nothing about...)

Glad too that you and John are ok too. Hard to send him off.

Seems you've found the berry bush name. Google is great if you've got a clue as to what it is---rather unhelpful if you don't. We have our friend Sue, who seems to know everything about flora and fauna, despite being a communications major in college. I tried eating some of these when I was little---thought they were cranberries. As I recall my body wasn't too happy about it, and yet, I still eat cranberries...humnn.

wv: liphott...but how does wv KNOW my lips are hott? ;-()

Ms M said...

Sorry to hear Boz had to have surgery, but glad to hear it went well and he's home sleeping it off. I bet he'll heal quickly with lots of love and greenies :-) Big hugs to him.

It's a pretty plant. I have no idea what it is, but I like the color.

Petrea Burchard said...

Trish, Boz doesn't bark or whine, but he's still a good communicator.

Ms. M, Boz has been snoozing in his bed for almost three hours now. I'm roasting a chicken and he hasn't stirred. I trust him to know what he needs.

Anonymous said...

If roasting chicken on an open fire doesn't stir the Boz man, try some ice cream bait. Works for me.

Prayers out to Boz for a quick, hungry recovery!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Cafe. He's still sleeping. We'll wake him up for his medicine, then hope he sleeps through the night. If he asks for ice cream, I'll give him just a little.

John Sandel said...

Steve & I think the same way about dogs.

irinapictures said...

How is he now? I am so sorry.
I hope he is not as strong analytic mind as you think he is. Or, if he is, he will understand that you had to leave him there to save him and did not enjoy the situation at all. And few days later everything will be forgotten.

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't really think Boz has an analytic mind, Irina. I assume he thinks something is either "good" or "not good," and right now things are "not good." He'll be "good" again in a couple of weeks.