Monday, November 21, 2011

Zen Monday: #171

Zen Monday's the day you experience the photo and give us your thoughts rather than me telling you what I think the picture's about. There's no competition, no right or wrong. We're here to have fun.

I look for something worth contemplating or, failing that, something odd or silly. Or all of the above, if I'm lucky.


Bellis said...

What a messy place - Pasadena seems to be going to the gods, er, dogs.

Shell Sherree said...

The parishioners were somewhat divided over the indecisiveness of their new priest...

ben wideman said... or

Speedway said...

Go to Hell! sign at the WTF Junkyard just outside Purgatory, the Best Little Noplace in the World! When you want to go to Hell, just say WTF!

dive said...

That's an attractive little community, Petrea. What goes on there? Is it a junkyard, a run-down circus or a travelling evangelical tent show?
Or all three perhaps.
Romans 6.23 is "For the wages of sin is death (kinda grammatically stumbling there, somewhat unusually for the King James version); but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Nothing in there about Hell, or indeed the needGod website, so I'm at a loss to decypher the sign's meaning.
I'm more impressed with the amount of dials your Honda's got; I'm suffering dashboard envy here.

Petrea Burchard said...

I'm not surprised you know the Bible verse, Dive, but I'm impressed you know it's a Honda. How can you tell?

Destitute Rebel said...

Greetings from Lahore Daily Photo, I have moved out of Lahore thus the irregular postings, I'm trying to get some help, hopefully Lahore Daily photo will be back up soon for regular posting. We have also been nominated for Pakistan Blog Awards, I would appreciate your support. Details are on today's post.
Thank You.

Petrea Burchard said...

Destitute Rebel! It's a pleasure and a relief to hear from you. I'll definitely support you and I'm glad you're back.

Petrea Burchard said...

Has anyone checked out the website? To find out if you need god there's a quiz.

Anonymous said...

I'll take it if I don't have to hold two orange juice cans to find out if I'm clear.

Petrea Burchard said...

Karin, if you haven't paid your money you are definitely not clear.

Margaret said...

make up your mind

dive said...

I took the quiz. Damn, I'm in trouble!

As for your question, Petrea, there's a great big reflection of the "H" in your windshield.

Trish said...

I think a closer inspection of the photo will show that indeed someone nearby was in HELL! Or it seemed as such when they landed that nosecone in that yard!!!!!!!

I'm with dive---interesting wording in that Romans passage. As with the Mourner's Kaddish in Jewish tradition, there is no text of death, or mourning, but glory and praise for G-d. I guess in Romans the death and hell thing is inferred? ;-)

Easy to tell it is a Honda by the big silver H in the middle of the steering wheel...btw.

If there's a test to figure out if I *need G-d*, I wanna know who's scoring it. If it is those people judging me by telling me I'm going to hell for not being like them...then I think I want to bring my own proctor!

Then again, as I tell those folks (after I start quoting a few verses of "judge not lest you be judged" etc) I explain that if I'm going to hell, it'll be with all my friends (like y'all) and I'd rather spend my time in eternity with friends, than sanctimonious asshats like these judgmental folks. ahem. good day.

then again, Jews don't exactly believe in hell either, so nyeh, nyeh, nyeh! :-P

Steven said...

That Dive has the eye of a Swiss watchmaker.
I think I see the perfect place to put up another Walmart store.

Bellis said...

I love the part of the quiz where they say, If you said you've never broken the First Commandment, you're lying because everyone's broken it. This means you've broken the Commandment that says you mustn't lie. Can't win with God. I'm going to Hell, but, like Trish, I think it's better than being in the same place as these people.

At the end of this fun day, you'd better reassure the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce that this isn't a place in Pasadena ... or is it?

Petrea Burchard said...

I was going to try to stay mum all day but no, it's not in Pasadena. It's along highway 99 north of Bakersfield.
Someone would have guessed that sooner or later.

John Sandel said...

So, if this is outside Bakersfield, the sign should say "You Are Leaving Hell … Please Come Back Soon …"

alex said...

if it weren't for the sign, the rest of this shot could actually be quite zen.

and i was going to ask if this was actually taken in the Dena, before i read the comments. whew! i wouldn't wish this sign on any community, but I'd rather see it in Bakersfield than this close to home.

Bellis said...

Good one, John. Bakersfield is the armpit of California.

Unknown said...

This seems like the sort of thing one regrets after hitting send.

It's much harder for me to imagine someone putting it on a physical sign, posting the sign and being happy with the message.

But then, I wouldn't ever buy an ochre pickup truck, either.

dbdubya said...

I disagree with Bellis that Bakersfield is the armpit of California. It's downwind from the armpit of California which is Fresno.

Susan Campisi said...

All this talk of God and Bakersfield reminds me of the Rolling Stones:

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord.

Patricia said...

Yikes, I have rather nasty memories of Bakersfield as a child. We were on vacation, driving through there when our car broke down. A part had to be sent in to fix the car, so we spent 2 days in that hell hole. To top it all off, it was August and my very thrifty Dad would not spring for a motel with air conditioning. Four cranky, hot kids, and two miserable parents. Hell for sure.

Ms M said...

Perhaps this a former site of one of those old time camp meetings; where Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show finally put down roots (before going bankrupt).

postie said...

A interesting sign . Yes. As a Christian myself It is a powerful verse. Now before I get roasted by the other readers please just listen to the verse from God

For the Wages Of Sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I use this verse that helps people understand the Christian message. There are 3 opposites here

Life and Death
God and Sin
Wages and Gift

Ill let you let it speak to each of you. If you want to chat about it I will but I will not get into a big bruha ha about it. Not why im here.

Petrea Burchard said...

As I say, "something worth contemplating or, failing that, something odd or silly. Or all of the above, if I'm lucky."

I think this one's all of the above, so I feel lucky.

I didn't think Bakersfield was all that bad.

And thank you, Susan, for the cherubic Rolling Stones.

Trish said...

depends on WHERE in Bakersfield you are as to how bad it is. As with any town, there are good areas and not so good areas. B-town seems to have a larger area mass of icky spots, but maybe it just seems that way if you're out amongst all the meth cookers.

Trish said...

wait, I just went and looked at that dang "test". #5 "have you ever looked at someone and had lustful thoughts?". Well, yes, my spouse! WTH?

As to question #3--it reminds me of a bumper sticker I've often seen: "Sorry I missed church, I was busy practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian".

Wonder what kind of grade I'd get on their "test"? ;-O

Oh right, I'm going to hell anyway, so I guess I'd receive a failing grade from these folks anyway. sigh, oh well! c'mon folks, lets have going to hell together!