If you're not a Charter customer (if only we had a choice!) you can go to the City Manager page on the City of Pasadena website and can click on Video Streaming at the right side of the page. I just clicked and found Ann Erdman herself, interviewing a nice young woman about planting 700 trees in Pasadena!
I had the pleasure of recording an important voice-over at the KPAS studios recently. I'll tell you about it soon.
I like the sound of the planting of 700 trees, Petrea! Say, this would make a fun Zen Monday photo.
Why don't you have a choice? would be my question. I don't have cable but I am aware of the dissatisfaction Pasadeneans feel about Charter. Look forward to your hot set moment.
I wanted to think the set was hot when I was on it, Shell, but they didn't put up the sign.
PA, I found the answer once by calling KPAS, where the answers apparently are. Some state law, that's fortunately not in effect forever, has locked us into a deal with Charter. I don't know when the deal runs out.
You can have satellite if your roof faces the right direction and if you want one of those things on top of your house and if you want to sign a two year contract. We had Charter for a while--overpriced, substandard and often nonexistent service, etc. We finally canceled. No TV at is preferable to Charter Communications.
Oops. Thanks for asking.
When I first saw the words "hot set" I thought you might be visiting with your beautician. Nope, the microphone gave that away. Looking forward to hearing about your audio recording.
Yeah, come on, we all want to hear about the voice over.
Congratulations on being a hometown pick! I didn't get a chance to, earlier today--
There's no (actually very little) choice for cable in Pasadena because there's almost no competition. More than a year ago AT&T took out several permits for utility boxes in the public right of way, but only a handful have been put in place in all that time, and of those only a couple are wired for AT&T's U-Verse system. AT&T has stopped all of their efforts for now; I don't know what their plan is for moving forward in Pasadena. If they do go forward with U-Verse, it will be a challenge finding KPAS on that system. If and when the time comes, I'll do a lot of community education about how to find it.
Cable companies in California used to have franchise agreements with individual municipalities. Now, because of California's Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act (DIVCA), franchise agreements are with the state, so municipalities have very little control over what cable companies do within city limits.
By the way, Petrea, today Linda gave me the second draft of the video for my review; you narrated it beautifully!
I'm going to do a post about the VO, but I can tell you guys--I already said it this morning at the IWOSC meeting and Ann's let it out of the bag. I narrated the video to be presented at the Mayor's State of the City address on January 28th at LaSalle High School. I'm excited!
Thanks, Desiree. I'm going to make up a badge or something to put on the blog.
Ann, it must be DIVCA they told me about when I called KPAS (numerous times) to complain about Charter. There was another company before, a smaller one that Charter bought out. I liked the smaller company. Charter is just not up to anyone's standards. I wish someone else would come in and challenge their monopoly. The competition would do us all some good.
I liked this photo even before reading more about what it's all about; signs meant for people in the know are always fascinating. How cool that you narrated a video that will be part of the State of the City address later this month! Can't wait to hear more about it.
Good for you, and good for the city. Can't wait to hear it, P.
Thanks, Katie and Karin. I put the information in today's post.
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