Wikipedia's article about Saint Andrews says "The architect, Robert Montgomery, and the church's pastor, Msgr. McCarthy, both traveled to Italy studying early Byzantine architecture to find inspiration for the new church." They found inspiration in Saint Sabina's basilica in Rome, which was built in 432 A.D. A photo I'll show you tomorrow bears a good resemblance.
Petrea, I love it. This is such a cool and interesting shot. I love architectural pictures ... all those angles and textures and the way the stones or bricks or steel stand out against the sky.
I confess, I didn't know what this much photographed tower was! THanks for the education! :-)
I like the angle, too! Great shot!
Fantastic perspective Petrea (and thanks once again for linking to my blog). I love how you can make out the levels by the bricks jutting out as your eyes move up the tower. Great capture.
Those are marvelous details. It almost looks like a pagoda.
Great choice and photo. Thanks for the links too. I learned a lot and enjoyed a lot here.
Great choice and photo. Thanks for the links too. I learned a lot and enjoyed a lot here.
It's great to keep looking up, Petrea!
Petrea: you can now enter the pearly gates!
So I went looking for info on smog tests. Gee THAT was fun. NOT!
Found info on the a number of sites that were useless, including the state website. I then found http://www.smogcheck.ca.gov/ a site about what tests are required where. Seems that NOW the county I came from has the same standards as the county I brought my mother's car into. But at the time, that was NOT the case.
for a listing by county (actually, by ZIPcode) as to what type, IF ANY, of a smog test is required for vehicle registration.
Seems the options are "only on sale/transfer", "Basic" (what LA used to be) and "Enhanced" (what LA is NOW).
from: http://www.smogcheck.ca.gov/
In a Change of Ownership Area you may obtain your inspection at any licensed Smog Check station. You will receive the same Two-Speed Idle test you have always received. Your vehicle will be tested for harmful levels of emissions of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Your vehicle must only be tested when sold, or upon initial California registration.
In a Basic Area you may obtain your inspection at any licensed Smog Check station. You will receive the same Two-Speed Idle test you have always received. Your vehicle will be tested for harmful levels of emissions of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Your vehicle must be tested every two years, when sold, or upon initial California registration.
In an Enhanced Area, you must obtain your inspection at a Smog Check station which has the BAR-97 Emissions Inspection System, the most modern type of test equipment. Your car will be tested for harmful levels of emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and Oxides of Nitrogen, an important smog-forming compound. All Smog Check stations in Enhanced areas are required to have the BAR-97 equipment. Your car must be tested every two years, when sold, or upon initial California registration. If your registration renewal notice indicates your vehicle has been directed to a Test-Only Center, then you must bring it to one of these types of stations, which offer testing but no repairs.
Ya learn something new everyday!
I love towers in the sky.I especially enjoyed enlarging it. I actually shot a similar one in Manhattan this very morning! I think we may be on the same wave length. thanks Petrea.
God bless the architects of yesteryear! You don't see that kind of thought and detail in most new buildings. One of the historic photos of City Hall being built has St. Andrew's in the background. I'll post it one of these days.
Laurie, obviously I didn't know what it was the first time, either!
Thanks tg/htc! Thank you, Ben. Hey, USElaine, I hadn't thought "pagoda," but now that you point it out I see it. Cool.
Dina I'm so glad you enjoyed the links. Part of the fun for me is the research.
Oh, Miss H! It's even better than being psycho-babalonyed!
Coltrane and Life Observer, somehow I think your comments are linked...
Kaleb, that's fantastic info. You've gone above and beyond. Thank you!
I think we are, Lily.
I feel the same way, PIO. Especially in Pasadena. I took a friend to the Huntington today and will be showing her around town tomorrow--she's been visiting my blog and wanted a tour!
First, my apologies for a bit of a cut and paste commenting. I have been doing the rounds via Bloglines and looking at all the pictures from my favourite photo blogs, but haven’t been leaving comments. Generally, I try to comment every three or so days (I know how good it is for ‘morale’ to know that someone is out there appreciating them), but after the birth of my second son, I am a bit knackered to think up something witty and insightful on the hop. Thus the resort to Control+C and Control+P!
Kris from Hobart, Tasmania.
Oh, man! The Huntington? *sigh*
Kris has baby pics on his blog. :)
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