Zen Monday is the day you experience the photo and give us your thoughts rather than me telling you what I think the photo's about. There's no right or wrong. It means what you think it means, or what you want it to mean.
I look for a photo worth contemplating or, failing that, something odd or silly. Unless I absolutely must say something I stay out of the comments box to avoid influencing the discussion because when I get in there everything goes down hill.
"Going my way?"
Of course, some people do go both ways.
Wilbur the council signwriter couldn't put his finger on it, but he had his doubts about whether the subliminal Be Decisive! tapes he'd been listening to were anything other than white noise...
When life pulls you in both directions, slow down.
Signage by Yogi Berra.
This was the original inspiration to get soldiers to march - Right! Left! Right! Left!
Shell made me spew coffee. I was thinking along those lines but alas I was too indecisive to type a comment.!
Nice house!
Yeah -- looks like the kids who live there have a new set of tempera paints ... but it didn't include ruler.
You make your decision, roll the dice, walk this way or that. Either way is a gamble.
A colorful way of saying, "Don't you dare run into my property!"
Argh! The unzenlike pressure when you've got nothing. I'll be back if anything springs to mind.
You may turn if and only if you know which direction you are going. [Logic joke.]
I like this one... a lot.
Doesn't anyone notice anything … manual about that arrow sign?
Either way?
How many people would've just stood there, gazing at the nine shiny circles, unless offered the choice of "L" or "R" by the hand-painted sign?
"And when I see the sign that
Points one way
The lot we used to pass by
Every day..."
I'm still laughing at Clifford's comment!
There is something strange about this sign. John knows, but he has inside information. Anybody else notice anything sort of odd about it?
Well, it looks like it's been painted over, and not by the city, which presumably would have used a stencil and done a better job. But other than that...
It's what I'm sayin', Mister Earl. I think it's handmade.
Arrows are like eggs. Everybody likes them their own, special way. You know, like Mom used to make.
Because of city-wide budget cuts, neighborhood residents were told to make their own street signs. This resulted in wild inconsistency and a general funkiness -- and lost out-of-towners driving in circles for days.
beautiful G&G looking house...reminds me of what is now the Pitcairn House at Westridge (in my day, it was Greene & Greene house)...and it looks much like someone in one of the art classes in G&G painted that sign.
many things came to mind---first being...something to the effect of "budget cuts were SO bad in the city that art students were relegated to hand painting street signs; chaos ensued".
my guess, someone smacked the sign enough, a neighbor repainted it in an effort to slow traffic down.
wv: chack...something's out of "chack" here...
I saw that the sign had been 'edited,' but since it was clearly intended as theater, it seemed only polite to be willing to suspend disbelief.
I'm in a pickle, though. Laurie said she was still laughing at my comment, but she didn't say which one, so I'm sitting here wondering: Scarecrow? Or if and only if? It's not a clear choice by any means...
I don't know if the house is a Greene and Greene--I don't think so, but probably designed by admirers of theirs.
To me the sign looks totally handmade. Even the lines around the edges are uneven. For that reason I'll never give the location. Don't want to out anybody. But it's pretty well done and I just love it.
I figured it out. Walked by there today and went up close. It's not hand painted, I was wrong. The black part of the sign is stuck on--some kind of laminated plastic. And it's beginning to curl and peel off. Thus the irregular shapes.
there was graffiti on it and they tried to cover it up.
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