"The past is never dead. It's not even past." —William Faulkner
For your contemplative Sunday spirit: a bit of early Zen from guest photographer John Sandel. This one knocked my socks off and I'm grateful to him for letting me post it.
To be honest, the weather is warm and I was already barefoot.
Very good work, J. So, I think J has graduated to the pt where you need to award him with his own blog! It's time you kicked him out of the house so he can venture out on his own.
Cafe, J's free to blog to his heart's desire, which is nil, so I post his masterpieces here when I can.
Virginia: you'll be pleased to know USElaine occasionally posts her genius at http://willitsphotooverflow.blogspot.com/. I have her on my RSS feed. Learn from the masters, I always say. Well, I say it sometimes. Other times I say "Where's my sweater?" or "I'll have the chocolate, please."
This is a really good photo. Sometimes less is more. This photo is not complicated yet it seems to fill all the spaces of basic life. OK This is pretty darn close to being perfect. I would put this photo on my wall. Im sure the man behind the photo has many talents. Im glad you found each another.
I love everything about this. Looks like a fossil. My socks off to you as well!
Me too. Love it.
The weather here is cold and I'm far from bare-footed, or bare anything-ed, but I can imagine. This is a beauty!
I love this, too. I wish blogger had a setting for larger pictures.
It reminds me of my child's eye. You know when you were little and you noticed the little things in wonder. Lovely.
Great eye and capture! I love this shot; so much can be said.
Woah. This is some serious photography here! I like this one a lot. Great work, John.
I've learned a lot from John's talent and eye. I've a lot more to learn. Lucky me!
The more I look at this, the more I see. And I'm wondering if that leaf imprint in the concrete got there accidentally or deliberately?
Very good work, J. So, I think J has graduated to the pt where you need to award him with his own blog! It's time you kicked him out of the house so he can venture out on his own.
Oh this is lovely. I enlarged to see it all. An inspiration. I"m thrilled to see our USelaine here. I miss her too!
PS Macarons on PTML tomorrow! :)
Cafe, J's free to blog to his heart's desire, which is nil, so I post his masterpieces here when I can.
Virginia: you'll be pleased to know USElaine occasionally posts her genius at http://willitsphotooverflow.blogspot.com/. I have her on my RSS feed. Learn from the masters, I always say. Well, I say it sometimes. Other times I say "Where's my sweater?" or "I'll have the chocolate, please."
It's true -- just yesterday you asked for your cardigan. Ah, art!
Wonderful photo! Love the "atmosphere" it evokes.
This is a really good photo. Sometimes less is more. This photo is not complicated yet it seems to fill all the spaces of basic life. OK This is pretty darn close to being perfect. I would put this photo on my wall. Im sure the man behind the photo has many talents. Im glad you found each another.
Nice shot! ~Lisa~
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