But we need a particular photo this time: we want it to look like a studio backlot. You know--huge, warehouse-type buildings, kind of non-descript.
We didn't find it. Pasadena's too descript.
If you know of a place that might fit the bill, please let me know. It doesn't have to be in Pasadena, just within driving distance and accessible to the public. Or if it's not accessible and you can get permission for us to use it, why thank you, that'll be just fine.
I took this shot in Edmondson Alley south of Bellevue Drive. I love Pasadena's alleys.
I'm sorry ~ I don't know. Are you surprised? :)
Hah, Shell, if you just put your thinking cap on...
I, too, love Pasadena's alleys. There's a particularly delicious one behind my apartment building. Alas, I know of no studio backlots.
Hmmm, I'll have to cruise round some places off Lincoln, where Washington joins. But they're not huge back-lot type buildings - do you want it to look as though they're sound stages?
Raymond Avenue between Glen Arm and California has some warehousing looking places. Good luck on your search.
Woodbury between Windsor and Lincoln. North side of street. I think that's what you want.
These are all good. Thank you. We scouted the east side yesterday. West side comin' up.
Have you tried the area of Edmondson Alley?
Thanks, Ann. Yes, in fact Edmondson Alley looks like the best choice so far.
I don't know why I like this photo so much, but I do. I know of some good backlot-esque locations, but they're in Berkeley and Oakland.
I'm glad you like the photo, Katie. I like it too, that's why I posted it. It's a black & white but not quite.
Ha, good luck!
You'd like Jerusalem alleys. But they are not what you are looking for here.
The photo in the photo caught my eye...are those old newspaper bundles? They add a different dimension to your image. Interesting how interesting alleyways can be...I posted a couple form San Pedro on MostlyLAcounty today.
For nondescript lots, try the back of Vons at Fair Oaks and Orange Grove...looks pretty non-anything on Google Maps.
Dina, I have no doubt I'd love all the ancient inches of Jerusalem.
Tash, I think they're just newspapers, not bundles--getting yellowed by the sun.
I know that Von's.
I wonder if they'd let us inside the fence.
Now I'm going to go look at your alleys.
I have the sme problem Petrea. I think finding subject to take photo is became so difficult in Mashhad. However you always do it in the best way at Pasadena!
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