I've downloaded some iPhone photo apps but haven't used them much. I didn't do anything special. These photos were taken with the iPhone, then uploaded and edited on the computer. These plants have their own genius and don't need much editing.

The apps I've got include: CameraBag, AutoStitch (at which John is a genius), TiltShift (
look at this bit of genius from Kim in Seattle), PS Mobile and Best Camera. Anybody out there tried these? Link us to your results if you like.
Unfortunately, iPhoto no longer recognizes my iPhone so I can't upload any more photos right now. Time for a visit to the
Genius Bar.
Those plants are magnificent. Any idea what genus of genius?
Both shots are winners; somehow I like the first better.
(I didn't know you have a tilt-shift app. Remind me to show you the kind of lens it imitates. They're cool.)
The colors in the first photograph are just beautiful. I love that shade of violet no lavender and with an iPhone too. lol
Beautiful shots - I'm astounded at what gets produced on an iPhone - although I have to say it's your eye that found this, framed it, and snapped. Genius!
I never get used to take photos with iphone and always carry my big camera, but these look great. I should have to try,too..
Love the colors! Fun to always have a camera at the ready when you carry your phone. Good luck at the Genius Bar. I was having Blogger issues with my iPod Touch a few months ago so I took it in and the Genius asked me if I'd upgraded the software lately. Uh, what software? Once I bought that from iTunes it worked fine.
Hey, Wayne and I are both headed to the GEnius Bar today. I'm swinging up to Vancouver to pick him up and I'll catch you on the way down. I'm all hot and bothered about my Mobile Me web album disaster. They'd better watch out.
And P, I don't know nothin about an Iphone app. Makes no sense to me but I do love those leaves. Gorgeous.
iSpy an addict. :)
I'm no genius; I don't know the genus, Shell.
I like the first better, too, J, though I posted the second because of the golds. But I'm like Huntress: the purples in the first are my favorite.
iPhone cameras are fun to experiment with, Jilly. But they can't hold a candle to a "real" camera.
Give a try, Aysegul. There's a lot it can't do, but it's handy when you don't want to carry a bigger camera.
Welcome back, Katie! I hope you don't have to work today. My usual first step when I've got tech troubles is a google search for answers. I've updated all my software and tried everything short of re-setting my iPhone back to where it was when I got it. (Ugh!) I really don't want to do that.
Oh V, I'd be interested to talk to you about Mobile Me. The name is a little cute for my tastes, but otherwise I think I want that.
You'd be right, Vanda.
Nothing that spectacular grows in my gardens! Well done.
Love the top photo!!! I'm amazed at the photos an iPhone takes...makes me want an iPhone...but I won't give up my Verizon!!!
Merci, Des.
Not mine either, Ann. I found these in the neighborhood.
I understand the sentiment, Chieftess. I haven't had any problems with AT&T but it'll be a better world when you can use an iPhone with any provider. I don't like the monopoly aspect of that deal.
Proof, yet again, that nature is genius.
After your visit, and when you get a chance, try Hipstamatic. Your images can have a variety of old-timey looking exposures.
Love the photos, the colors! It reminds me of smoke trees.
Shell - genus of genius! Love it.
Petrea - look at all those tonal variations and gradations. Beautiful photos that don't need any kind of apps.
Okay, Roberta, Hipstamatic. By the way, be sure and check here tomorrow.
Ms. M, I had a smoke tree but it didn't make it. I wish it had, I thought it was pretty.
Amy--I like the colors too, but what I really like are those funny berries.
That's fantastic. I use camera bag, just recently bought photo stitch but haven't used, and just got tilt shift... and don't understand how it works! lol.
Is that plant for real?? Wow!
colors are beautiful like nature!
Those pictures were a tonic for a woman who just had to move her car because it was on a snow emergency route...and hello from Philadelphia!
I know that plant but I can't remember the name. It's been driving me nuts. Not Smoke Tree. I keep thinking that it is a cultivar of Dogwood, but I know that's not right either - wrong leaf shape and fruit it too small. It's one of those things that when I find out I will kick myself for not knowing!
It's for real, all right--though I took the photo a while ago so I don't think it would be this color right now. It's only a couple of blocks away. I'll have to check. Greg, if you think of it, let us know.
And hellooooooo, Rosemary! Stay warm!
The first image is the finest iPhone image «Louis» has seen.
It's odd that iPhoto isn't recognizing your iPhone now...
That's very kind of you, Louis. Do check out Kim's (Seattle Daily Photo) Wednesday shots, too. She's getting pretty fancy with her iPhone.
The shots are cool.
I recently got an iphone but am just learning to use it for photos. Downloaded an app called LoMob which makes the photo look like it was taken in the 60's or 70's, fun to play with...
I'll be watching for you to post one, LL.
The colours are beautiful.
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