Friday, March 7, 2014

Birthday Month

It's birthday month and I'm celebrating in all my favorite ways: world travel, lavish meals, jewels--you know, jet-setting.

I've also got a couple of sales going on the Camelot & Vine ebook:

Get it now: only through tomorrow (March 8, 2014) at Smashwords, enter the coupon code REW50 at checkout and get C&V for 50% off, or $3.00

If you miss it on Smashwords, the book is on sale all month at Amazon for $3.99.

Feel free to review it, good or bad. I'm told that quantity rules over quality on Amazon. Go figure.

Off I go to Paris, Milan, Istanbul! Or somewhere.


Diana said...

Happy birthday, Petrea!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you! Traditionally, I celebrate all month.

Anonymous said...

So we'll find you in Temple City? (Happy Birthday, and we love us some Boz.)

Petrea Burchard said...

All the best people go to Temple City, Karin.
(And yes, we sure do and always will.)

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Month! I'll have to remember that one. Happy travels, wherever you go!

Denise said...

Happy Birthday month! I hope it is warm there and the sun is shining brightly. I wish you all sorts of happy things, and chocolate, should you desire it (and if not, I'll take yours).

Petrea Burchard said...

I've been celebrating since the first, Katie. I'm lucky March has 31 days.

We're lucky with the sun, Denise. Maybe not so lucky with rain!

TheChieftess said...

Happy Birthday month Petrea!!!
So glad you posted a Boz pic...missing him too!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

There will be more, I can't resist. Though I'm remembering now that he didn't like to wear hats.

Susan Campisi said...

Why did I think April was your birthday month? Great idea to celebrate all month. Have a happy one! Good ol' Boz.

Petrea Burchard said...

You're not required to have any idea of when my birthday is, Susan. Even if you thought it was in December I'd take it as a compliment that you thought about it at all.

Bellis said...

I like the idea of a Birthday month. Mine's October, so it's always been my favorite. As for traveling the world, in the days when I had fewer dogs and more time, I surfed live webcams to watch the sun rise in Finland, the sun set in Sydney, or a back street in Soho, London, at 3 am. Interesting things going on there. Now I cruise down roads in far-off countries with Google street view. Enjoy your birthday travels, however and wherever you go.

Petrea Burchard said...

That's an excellent travel idea, Bellis.

BettyS said...

Happy Birthday Month, Petrea! And what a beautiful photo of our boy!

Petrea Burchard said...

Our boy, "Uncle Bumps," had a lot of birthdays for a dog. I will always miss him, but that's a comfort.


Happy Happy Birthday Month!! (My birthday month too:) May you have a lovely time all 31 days (I love the photo too)

Petrea Burchard said...

Lulu, it's the perfect month in which to have a birthday. No other month has the vernal equinox.

Ms M said...

Have a wonderful birthday month! And keep us apprised on your activities. (And good to see dear Boz)

Petrea Burchard said...

I was hoping to get an Amtrak residency. They've begun to do this for writers, but you have to sign away your first born.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Happy Birthday, Petrea!
Love to see dear Boz!

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Yes, I read about that Amtrack residency. Can I apply? after all, I have kept for a blog for umpteen years. Good luck getting a first born out of me.

Happy month to you - so Mr J also wears white socks with shorts

Pasadena Adjacent said...

I could paint them a watercolor if they provide me with a sleeper

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you, Sonia!

PA, the sleeper is included. Really, I'm jonesing for some travel but their terms are too harsh for me. Some folks complained; maybe they'll change it, maybe not.

Petrea Burchard said...

All the fashionable men wear white socks with shorts.

Petrea Burchard said...

Info on the Amtrak Writers program:

Margaret said...

Happy Birthday!

Petrea Burchard said...

Merci beaucoup!