Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, Good and Not Good

We tell ourselves it will be different in the new year. We will be different. 

I will be different.

Do you make resolutions? I do and I don't. I don't resolve to do things that are out of my hands (write a bestseller! become a supermodel!) I think about things I want to do better and plan my resolutions to fit.

For 2013:
I resolved to do more gardening and I did for a while, then I didn't (summer was hot here, y'all) then I did. I really enjoy it. So that was good.

I also resolved to finish the first draft of a new novel but the main character kept changing, so I've started two first drafts and tossed them both. That was not good. I did, however, finish and publish a novel, and sell it, and it's still selling, so maybe I can let myself off that hook a bit.

I decided to be more generous with myself. That had its ups and downs. I'm putting that on my 2014 list so it stays on my mind. That's good and not good.

I resolved to exercise more and I have done so. That goes on the 2014 list too, because I can always do better in that area. So far so good.

I don't know if I'll be much different in 2014. I'll be good and not good, as I always am. I know enough not to promise myself things I can't deliver (edit the New York Times!), and I know not to proclaim my resolutions publicly ("Hey Petrea, remember you said you were going to learn to play drums?").

But I might have a nice back yard by the end of the year.

May your 2014 bless you, and may you bring blessings to others. Happy New Year.


Book Dragon said...

Blessings to you and yours, stay safe

dive said...

Happy New Year, Petrea and John!

Not bad for 2013: you published a great novel and hey: why downgrade to supermodel when you're already a superhero flying space pirate?

By the way, my brother's got a Pearl Reference drum kit for sale; I'm sure he'd do you a good deal if you popped across to England to pick it up. Hee hee.

Jean Spitzer said...

Happy new year.

I like your attitude ; the good and not good pretty much describes human progress.

LOLfromPasa said...

Happy New Year, Petrea! You've done well. Warmest best wishes to you and John for 2014!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

BD, last night we walked to a NYE party and didn't even have to cross the street. The only thing I feared were the explosions going off once we got home. I still smell smoke today; I hope it's a fireplace.

Dive, that's enough to get me to put thousands on a credit card. And thanks for reminding me I'm a flying space pirate! Sometimes, while I'm dusting the mantel, I forget.

Thanks, Jean. We are who we are.

The same to you and Mr. LOL, Lauren!

Eric Baker said...

Happy New Year to Mr. Sandel and yourself, Petrea!

Concerning resolutions, I think that they are good because they act as a catalyst for ideas that have been percolating and gestating and generally waiting for a trigger. Even if the success rate is small that they actually stick it is still a chance. So long as the resolution is reasonably achievable.

Best of luck with your resolutions!

Hull and Hereabouts said...

Happy New Year,Petrea and thanks for your many comments they mean a lot.

Susan Campisi said...

Happy New Year, Petrea! You accomplished a lot in 2013. I decided not to have any resolutions this year. I have a long to-do list that I've been trying to get through for months, so I'm pretty much going to continue with those.

I walk all the time with Tommy and Louise and would love a human companion. Let's plan a trek!

Petrea Burchard said...

Eric, that's a good way to look at it. I think every year is better than the last; it must be because we're trying so hard.

William, so nice to see you! I enjoy your blog, plus I can't keep my mouth shut.

Let's walk, Susan! You need a human companion, I need a canine one.

Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion that gardening is vastly overrated. But drums, on the other hand...

Petrea Burchard said...

If I just had a soundproof basement.

TheChieftess said...

I rather like your resolution style Petrea!!! Now...if I could only resolve to keep my office clean...maybe I'd be able to get to my Photography goals!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

John and I have just cleaned and organized our offices. It has taken days. But we're both amazed at how much space we have.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Interesting comments you make about good resolutions. I never make any, I wouldn't be very good at holding them. Congratulations for cleaning up your office, I know how good it feels. I do it once a year...

Latino Heritage said...

Happy New Year! Actually looks like you did pretty well with your resolutions. Here's wishing you another year of success.

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't think we do it that often, Nathalie, so it felt especially good!

Roberta, I feel good about it. Thanks. I'll bet you do, too.

Bob Crowe said...

This is a collection to be proud of. That first one knocks me out. I wish I had taken a photo that good.

Petrea Burchard said...

Bob, you've taken a million photos better! I think you mean the "Best of" post, and thank you very much. I like it a lot and felt lucky to have the chance to shoot it.

Charlie Peters said...

got married under that lantern six months ago!

Petrea Burchard said...

Hi Charlie, I'm sorry it took me until now to see your comment! Thanks for speaking up. I didn't know it was a lantern, I've never seen it after dark!