Guys, I'm taking a break.
Last year was a busy one, with publishing and marketing Camelot & Vine. And I don't mind telling you l've taken Boz's death very hard. Plus I'm finding it more and more difficult to find Zen Monday shots!
I need to get out and about, climb some mountains, read some books and get inspired again.
I don't know when or if I'll be back but I won't say goodbye. I'll visit blogs from time to time and there will be more to share with you once I've refueled.
Thank you for being here. Let's not get weepy! I've been weepy since September 18th and it's time to move forward. Keep me on your Feedly or whatever you've got and I'll keep you up to date.
love, Petrea
I'll miss your posts. Wishing you all the best.
Ohhh nooo, I really didn't want to read this. First Karin semi-retires, now you. I can understand it, of course. Even posting once or twice a week takes time and energy. I'm hoping you'll feel like talking to us now and again, so I'll keep looking out for new posts. Mondays won't be the same any more, but for now, Petrea, goodnight and thanks for all the fish!
I'll miss your posts, especially Zen Monday. But when it's time to take a break, it's best to do so. Best wishes -- and keep in touch.
Now this is a surprise. Sad. But I totally get it.
Jill, you were one of my first commenters--so encouraging. Thank you.
Bellis, here's a Douglas Adams quote with which I disagree:
"Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things." The internet was invented before I was 35 but I didn't know about it then, and I think I've taken to it well for an old fart.
Ms. M, I'll see you at Dive's place for sure.
Thanks, Margaret. I thought it might be a bad idea (book marketing and all), but it's got to be done, at least for now.
Petrea, I'll really miss your presence around here. I think about how things have been since sweet Boz's death and I am sending good wishes for a much-deserved break. Take all the time you need and look forward to any future posts you'd like to share.
The nice thing about resting the blog is that every so often something crops up that doesn't belong anywhere in particular except the blog. And you have a place to put the event, the thought, the words. And then blogging is a pleasure -- a want-to, a go-to, not a have-to. I hope you find it so.
Thank you, Lulu. I do need the time and I'm glad I decided to take it.
Karin, I hope so, too. It will feel so good if and when that happens.
Missing you already, Petrea. I'm sure we'll keep in touch though.
Go get inspired and ENJOY!
I've enjoyed learning about your place, your time, your life over the years.
Thanks for all the time and effort that goes into sharing. Enjoy some time off, Petrea, you deserve it.
See ya next time!
I definitely know how you feel... last year I took a few mini breaks.. it does wonders.. Your mojo will come back.. :-)
I'll visit you to share my off-colour jokes, Dive.
You know about that effort, Dina! I look forward to visiting your blog more.
KBF, "mojo" is the word. I'll find it.
I will miss the posts. Understand the need for a break.
Have a good time and some good adventures.
I'll miss your posts and the images, but you know how amazed I was that you were able to write with such sweet brilliance - and on an almost daily basis. Even the deepest well needs a chance to recoup.
Thanks, Jean, I appreciate it.
Thanks, Roberta.
I'm a big believer in taking breaks (and naps!) so I applaud your decision to focus on getting out and about and finding new inspiration. Of course we'll miss your wonderful photos and interesting posts, but when you pop up when we least expect it with something you just have to share, it will be all the more special. See you around!
Thanks, Katie! I've already been hiking twice this week and it feels great.
Petrea, while I haven't commented often, I always look at and enjoy your photos and essays on them. I hope you have a wonderful refreshing break and I'll see you hiking in the 'hood.
Best wishes to you, Petrea!
I hope you get a dog soon... mornings are the worst
Definitely, Betty. Thanks!
I'm not sure that's the thing, PA. I miss Boz most in the evenings, when he would lie on my feet and offer his belly when he was ready for petting.
Well, my daily blog-reading just got a lot less enticing. You and Karin are - have been - a spot of light, both in words and images. But I understand and wish you the best.
Petrea I fully understand - I too took a break a few months back and it lasted several months. At the time I felt pretty sure I won't come back to it. I felt quite drained and drawn to other things. I wish you all the best in all the things you'll be doing next. Climbing mountains, getting out and about, reading books, getting inspired again looks like a great project. Take care
Thank you, James. I don't suppose you'll be wanting to start your own photo blog soon?
Nathalie, I don't know at the moment whether or not I'll return to blogging, but I'm glad you have.
Petrea I just discovered your Camelot and Vine book and read the reviews by Amazon readers - they're all pretty enthusiastic! I must say I'm really not into sci-fi, time travel or legends in general but now I think I'd like to read it.
Thanks, Nathalie. It's not sci-fi, more just a fantasy tale about a modern woman who needs to figure out how to like herself.
Petrea, I totally understand how you have been sad since sweet Boz's death... I miss my dear Flora so much too...
I hope you have a refreshing and good break. I will miss you.
My best wishes!
Thank you, Sonia. I'll miss you, too.
I'll miss all of you!
We must mourn the things we love. It takes longer than is acceptable to society. Recharge.
I'm finding that to be true, Des, although you all don't seem to mind.
You deserve a break today
So get up and get away
Yes, please do check in on our blogs from time to time and get back to blogging when you're good and ready. In the meantime decompress in whatever way works for you, for as long as it takes.
We are all thinking of you, dear Petrea.
Thanks very much, Ann.
These things take time, enjoy your break Petrea. Spring is around the corner and there is a world of new things to discover. Will miss the words as well as the pics. Catch you later.
well, ok, that was not what I was expecting, but that's my deal, not yours.
I dropped my blog some time back because the medical reason has abated enough that it isn't even something my primary doc and I talk about anymore.
Boz was a special pup. Patching up the rips and shreds in your heart that he took up residence for so long, is hard. In Judaism, we spend the first week doing nothing but mourning and the most basic of tasks, like eating. For the first month, we graduate a little, like going back to work, but not a lot else. It isn't until we get to the 11 month mark before we are expected to return to a mostly fully functioning life. We mourn deeply because, the scars left by ignoring the pain of such a loss as death can last for such a long, long time. The wounds never completely heal, but we do learn to laugh again, even if we still have tears along the way.
Your perspective has been refreshing for me when I was most ill, then on my healing agenda and back to living life. Sad to see that be put on hold, but again, that's my deal, not your responsibility.
Do what you need to do for you, but never forget you and John gave Boz one of the most fantastic forever homes a pup could ever ask for. The loss is great, but don't ever forget to pat yourself on the back for giving him a beautiful life.
Sending healing hugz friend.
Thanks, Deb.
Trish, I've always said I was an honorary Jew. That grieving process makes so much sense to me. I hope I'm back on my feet sooner than 11th months, but I'll give myself a break about it. I know you're in mourning, too.
Enjoy your break, Petrea, and climb as many mountains as you wish. See you.
Thanks, JM. I've already climbed one mountain twice.
Petrea, enjoy your well-deserved break. Rest and you'll open up to new inspiration. I've enjoyed Pasadena Daily Photo and Zen Monday so much. Best of luck on your new chapter.
Thank you, Dianne.
Well, I got a bit worried about you when I didn't get my notification of your usual Zen here I am. I promise you that there are loads of people out here in blogland finding the need for a little break in proceedings. So you (and I from time to time) have plenty of company. Have fun, keep smiling and just enjoy each day!!! PS. I am working hard to send some rain your way too! Cheers! Lauren & John too xx
Are there any bloggers left in Pasadena?? Even Jill Doughtie who I met "years ago" at a Pasadena Cafe and kicked-butted me to, finally, blog by answering my questions, showing me her blog camera, etc, has left town!
PB, you can log-off, but you can never stop blogging. Like your fellow actor once said, "You'll be back"...even if only as Pasa WEEKLY Photo!
Lauren, we had a little rain last night. Was that you? Is it too much to ask you to send more?
I think I'll post from time to time, Cafe, though likely not with any regularity. Thanks, though!
Thanks so much, Andrew.
To everything there is a season, Petrea. Holding you and all those you hold dear in the light, and so grateful for all the light you bring to us.
Petrea---we'll take you into the tribe. Part of being in the tribe also means surrounding yourself with your community, so you are not alone in your grief. Old scriptures say one should not party or laugh while in mourning, but I have to say, being around those who make me laugh is one of the best ways to help me process thru grief. Getting love from dogs is another---just stopping someone on the street with a cute pup gives me the opportunity to pickup some canine grief counseling too. After my husband died I spent plenty of time at the dog park, just letting dogs come to me.
Peter was a doggie person too. I'm sure he's giving Boz a good nuzzle now and then. I know they are both in good hands!
Be gentle on yourself Petrea and remember all the love Boz brought into your life and continue to spread it around.
Trish, you're so right. Every dog I see is my sweetie these days. Of course they always were. On the other front I have John, who makes me laugh.
Thanks, BD. I get good hugs from John, too, but web-hugs are fab.
Oops. Almost missed it. Thanks for your sweet comment, Unknown.
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