Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Winding Down

Folks, I am winding down here. This is my final week of daily blogging. 

Ah, WEEP! It's horrible! How will we bear it?

Together. We will bear this tragedy together.

I'm not exactly quitting. Beginning in May, Pasadena Daily Photo will be more occasional than daily. Of course I'll have to call it something else or the City Daily Photo police will come and get me. I'll keep Zen Monday. My booky stuff will go on my website's blog, where until now I've been reposting my Saturday Bookmarks posts.

I'm not sure what other changes there'll be, I just know there's been some entropy around my place, both in work and in play, and something's got to loosen up. As of April 30th, I will have been posting daily for five years and five four months, and that's a little insane, even for me.

No celebration, though, nothing special, because I'm not going away. 

Change is predictable, They say. Of course, They never blogged daily for nearly five and a half years straight.


dive said...


John Sandel said...

Does this mean you don't want dinner plates left outside your office door anymore?

Andy said...

I have been following your blog for a few months and have been enjoying your photos. I know from personal experience that posting a photo per day can be tough. I guess the occasion posting is better than none at all. Keep on clicking.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Will miss the updates on Boz.....ah change, I hear ya on the daily blogging... Life does that..

LOLfromPasa said...

That's the spirit, Petrea. Do what you gotta do and enjoy freeing up some time. I love being transported home to Pasadena via your webpages and I appreciate all the time you spend commenting and supporting all of us. Take care and see you back here as often as possible. Cheers!

Bellis said...

Oh nooooo, I'm bereft. It's been such a pleasure to see a new photo every morning and something interesting written about it. But I've always wondered how on earth you've managed to do it for so many years, AND commented on the comments throughout the day. You deserve a medal (I'll have a word with the Queen). Thank goodness you're not stopping altogether.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you all. It's nice to be appreciated. I won't stop visiting blogs, of course. And Dive, Lauren, I'll actually visit YOU one of these days.

There are those who've done this for longer than I have. City Daily Photo created a list of them here:
They are to be commended and admired, I think. It's like being an ambassador, on your own dime. You get perks, though.

JS, some things don't have to change.

Bellis, please do speak with the Queen about that medal.

Anonymous said...

I predict an avalanche of protest today. But so long as you're not going away, we'll be as understanding as possible.

Petrea Burchard said...

I'll be honest, Karin, I hope there's an avalanche. It'll make the effort seem worth it. Although even if there were no protest at all, developing a daily writing discipline is nothing to sneeze at.

Book Dragon said...

what Dive said.

Desiree said...

I didn't realize you were contemplating this, but good for you!
It's hard to squeeze everything we want to do, to have done, into our days.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to read this blog, and I had been thinking that daily posts are too frequent for me -- by the time I read, everyone's commenting on the next post.

So I'm with you, Petrea.

Latino Heritage said...

A bit of shock. I've wondered how you've been able to have things written, thoughtful/witty/loving, every day. Break time and change time is good.

First thought that came to mind was, "Thanks for the ride".

This verse from Michael Nesmith's "Thanx for the Ride", pretty much shares my wish to you.

Desert clearing
Forgotten miles
Hands me my
Remembered smiles
I'll just mosey on
Thanks for the ride

Latino Heritage said...

A bit of shock. I've wondered how you've been able to have things written, thoughtful/witty/loving, every day. Break time and change time is good.

First thought that came to mind was, "Thanks for the ride".

This verse from Michael Nesmith's "Thanx for the Ride", pretty much shares my wish to you.

Desert clearing
Forgotten miles
Hands me my
Remembered smiles
I'll just mosey on
Thanks for the ride


Oh, say it ain't so! Yours was one of the ones I've enjoyed since the beginning of my (new) blogging life, I'm glad you'll still be around, even if not daily (yes, I find daily posting tough with working 10 hours). Five years, five months is amazing! Happy for you in this new chapter, and look forward to how it will unfold.

TheChieftess said...

I totally get it!!! My first blog was an occasional post...about once or twice a week...when we moved up here and I decided to do the daily blog, I didn't know what I was getting into!!! I've definitely not been as on top of it as you...I can't imagine 5 years and 5 months, non stop!!! I'll definitely miss my regular visits...but certainly plan to continue visiting...whatever the schedule!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank goodness for RSS feeds, eh? I wonder what we'll do after the Google reader is gone. I haven't found another one I like, although Wordpress blogs will update you by email and I like that.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean we don't get to meet for coffee anymore?
RSS feeds. Look at Feedly for Mac and iOS

TheChieftess said...

OK...I'm computer illiteracy is rearing it's ugly head again...what exactly is Google Reader??? I simply follow blogs on my blog and have a cool list which if I subscribe to it, I get this going away??? Does this have something to do with
Google +??? Another thing I don't quite get...geeze...

LOLfromPasa said...

...the kettle is on :). Don't go anywhere in late August...planning to attend PHS 50th reunion. AND, I have just had a look at your website - perfect! Lauren xx

irinapictures said...

You are my hero, this is really difficult decision to stop fulfilling the 7 days workweek. My marathon lasted for 5 years too.
Now I regularly use scheduled posts in M-dailyphoto (I hope I feed interest to the city this way) and think that it was some king of whirlwind in 2009, when so many interesting, talented and curious people discovered blogging and joined together. And now they want to move on.
I was so happy to learn the blogworld.

Diana said...

You have to fill the well sometimes in order to keep drinking from it, so good on ya for doing this for yourself. We'll still tune in when you do post and enjoy them all the more!

BettyS said...

Petrea, I don't know how you did it - but big thanks!! I'm sorry Boz introduced us so late and I missed so many years! (Will they still be on-line, as I've often thought that when I had time I would go back and enjoy the past ones that I had missed?) And sorry that Boz is not venturing too far afield these days. Now that Ra is better, we'll mosey in your direction! Best wishes!

Dina said...

Petrea, I'm so happy for you. I admire your decision. Wish I could do the same.
Maybe bloggers should get a sabbatical year every seven years?
Enjoy your newly-made time.

Deb said...

I just know one day I am going to check back here and see a newly repaired and brightly painted bench again. Thanks for the thoughtful comments and enjoy the rest, you have certainly earned it!

Meghan said...

I have really enjoyed your daily posts and plan to keep up with your "occasionals". I've only been doing this about a year and a half and already have a hard time sticking with it daily.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Please tell me you don't feel as tired as that bench looks?

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, JB. I tried Feedly but it's a kludge. I like that Wordpress lets you follow a blog by email. Don't know about Blogger.

Chieftess, I don't see your follow list on your blog, so my guess is you're the only one who can see it. That might be a Google Reader thing but I'm not sure. Google Reader will be gone by the end of June.

Thank, Lauren! Of all places, I won't go to England in late August!

Thank you, Irina. Maybe that's it, it's been a long time. Especially daily!

Thank you, Diana.

The posts will remain online, Betty, and I' working to archive them as well. I've caught up to September 2012, not too bad.

Dina, you'll quit when you're good and ready!

Thank you, Deb. (We may give up on this particular bench.)

Thanks for stopping by, Meghan. I wish you luck with it.

Lori Lynn said...

Hi Tree - Congratulations on your success and longevity. What a wonderful piece of work, this blog. It's how I found you after all these years too. Good luck with your future projects. Please keep in touch.

Petrea Burchard said...

PA, some days....

Lori Lynn, thanks. I'm proud of the blog, as any daily blogger should be. It's a body of work, and it has taught me a lot.

Cafe Pasadena said...

1st Ben Wideman, then Laurie in So Pasa, now you. Now what?? I hope the husband isn't coming between your daily blogging & us! God forbid.

I assume KB hiking over in Altadena will pick up the difference. She makes it seem so natural & easy. But I know how difficult it is for me to just to blog once or twice per month.

You were so young (in your 30s) when you started blogging. You'll now have to join City Occasional Photo.

Margaret said...

And daily blogging should really be measured in dog years so that's like 35 years.

Katie said...

Wow, such big news to accompany that pretty photo! Although it's been fabulous fun learning about Pasadena through your photos and text, and I'll miss your daily posts terribly, I say you have to do what's right for you, so I applaud your decision to make a change. Five and half years of blogging is remarkable for sure. I hope as Cafe Pasadena says, your blog morphs into Pasadena Occasional Photo. Whatever you do, thank you for hosting such a wonderful blog!!

Sid Gally said...

Should I erase the bookmaek on my Ipad? That seems so final.l

Ms M said...

I've really enjoyed your blog posts -- and will continue to follow your occasional posts. I recall first "meeting" you as we commented on Eric T's Paris Daily Photo blog. :-)

I tried blogging daily when I first began, but it was too much to do that and work full-time. Which is why I cut back to once a week.

All the best to you and you move into new things!

Ms M said...

"All the best to you *as* you move into new things!"

Anonymous said...

How about one day a week you re-post a favorite from the archives. Because the way I figure it, you've got more than 1600 in the hopper. And photos, essays, the really good ones, carry no expiration date. And it's a damn shame to not let them see another light of day.

Ms M said...

That's a great idea, Karin!

Petrea Burchard said...

Cafe, Margaret, the husband and the dog have always come between me and the blog, for lo these 35 years.

Katie, you are one of the wins (as is everyone here).

Sid, keep the bookmark for now. I'll let you know.

Thank you, Ms M. I met a lot of people through Eric. I sent him an email today. He has been a strong influence on me, as well as hundreds or thousands of bloggers around the world.

Maybe so, Karin. Unless I find I've got something essential to say. I do have some favorites from the past.

Susan Campisi said...

Oh! This is such big news! I'm happy for you (but a little bit sad for all of us), moving on to a new chapter. Five years and five months of daily posting is a remarkable feat. It'll be fun to see where your journey leads next.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Susan. I'm looking forward to that. I had to edit the post. It's been five years and four months, must correct that.

jmgrimes said...

Well, golly gee whiz.

I'm gonna miss you each morning - you've been part of my routine, did you know that?

But I'm glad you'll still be around, and wish you the best with whatever's next.

Pat said...

Just when I got back on track with you, you're off. But I understand. I too have been photoblogging since March 2008.

Petrea Burchard said...

I didn't know that, James. Thank you.

Bibi, I'll still be here, just not as often. And I'll be commenting on blogs, too. I couldn't give up my friends.

Adele said...

Oh, I will greatly miss seeing your words each morning. But like everyone else has said, you deserve to do what is best for you. I am grateful to blogging for giving me the gift of our friendship (sappy, but true!). I am very impressed by five years, five months. Now I see, a couple of comments above, that it is only five years, four months??? Meh - Not impressive at all!!!

-K- said...

It's really quite an accomplishment.

And I'm glad you're not completely folding your tent.

Petrea Burchard said...

Meh. Hee hee, Adele, you'll surpass me. I know what you mean about blogging. It has given me a lot.

Thanks, Kevin. I couldn't imagine it.

USelaine said...

Wow. Over five years of daily posts is a spectacular achievement, especially with all the research and writing you put in to it. I'm grateful to the City Daily Photo community for having made it possible for me to find you, here, in this virtual Pasadena place. As someone who could only complete a year on the beat, I bow to you and fully understand your decision. Blessings, P.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Elaine. There are those who've continued for as much as three years longer. I believe Eric Tenin (Paris Daily Photo) is coming up on eight years, and his photos get more beautiful every day.

Margo said...

Petrea, I've enjoyed visiting your blog and the memories of my Pasadena childhood that your work have brought me! Thank you for sharing your inspirations and best wishes for your continued success. I'll stop by, of course! Aloha!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you, Margo!

Shell Sherree said...

I don't visit for a few days and look what happens. But I'm happy for you, Petrea ~ blogging is something we do for the love, I feel, and there is much to love in this world. We need to spread it around. I'll look forward to you bobbing up here and there like the Scarlet Pimpernel. Keeps life fun!

Petrea Burchard said...

I agree with you about "much to love," Shell. We have so much to do and if we work it right, it's all good.

Trish said...

Ok, so two sad faces from this locale at this news. But I do understand. I completely shut down 2 blogs that just took too much to continue.

I suppose you'll morph into something like the 27th occasional Doo-Dah Parade, semi-irregularly posting. That's ok, we enjoy reading whenever you can post and when we can take the time.

I cannot believe I've been reading PDP for nearly 5 years (I was a little late to the party)! It certainly says something about your writing and your content that I'm still here! Yay for you and ya that you're not shutting down completely.

Pat Boz a few more times for us!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks for your many contributions, Trish!