Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Today: Poo.

Boz and I find these free poo bag kiosks at a few of our favorite hiking spots. Isn't that convenient? Of course it's publicity for My Pet Garden, but what a generous way to go about telling people about your business.

In the olden days, I thought it was no big deal if Boz left his creations behind along some of the more rural paths. I mean, coyotes poo outdoors, right? But I learned a few things, like dog feces don't biodegrade the same way wild animal feces do (doo doo). And while those little piles are sitting out there in nature, they're carrying bacteria, parasites and viruses right into our water--and those things can cause all kinds of deadly diseases in humans.

I was walking Boz in the watershed! What part of "watershed" did I not understand?

Now we always pick up, and I thank My Pet Garden for making it easy to do, even when I forget Boz's personal bags.

You might enjoy this rockin' video on today's topic.


dive said...

Hoorah for responsible dog owners! I wish we had more of them around here. My walk across the fields to the farm shop is often a minefield of poo.
A little advertising doesn't go amiss when they're providing such a sensible service.

Shell Sherree said...

Aside from the inconvenience of accidentally putting my foot in it, I would have thought that about the natural nature of poo, too. But now that you mention it, Petrea... urgh. Bravo for advances in puppy dog sanitation.

Bellis said...

I have a very soft spot for My Pet Garden for providing these bags, and try to give them my custom. They sometimes have pets for sale, but only rescues that need a home. It's a very pet-friendly store, with great prices as well.

Dog poo doesn't seem to biodegrade in our climate - it mummifies. I can't understand people not picking up after their dogs, that's disgusting. There's no excuse for not having a bag when My Pet Garden provides them, but I would like to see the dog poo containers in the places dogs actually choose to go, which isn't at the start of a trail, and is usually at a place where other dogs also go. Carrying that stinking bag for a mile or so to the next trash can isn't pleasant, and may explain why some people decide not to do it. In England, I saw an airtight hiking canister for sale in which to store the poo smell-free till you get home. I wish I'd bought one.

Oh dear, you can see I've spent far too much time thinking about this.

Steven said...

I'm glad to wee that you and Boz are doing your civic "duty."

Petrea Burchard said...

Dive, in my (ahem) extensive research for this post, I discovered this is a world-wide problem. The dog poo in your fields is going right into your water table, unfortunately, taking all those awful parasites with it.

I agree with your Bravo, Shell, and send up another.

I've thought about it too, Bellis. We dog owners should. Boz does go at the beginning of the trail, he can't wait to go, it's a thrilling inauguration for him! whoopee!
And I agree, another trash can or two along the way would be helpful. Although Pollyanna here will carry the stinky bag.
That hiking canister sounds ingenious. Bet we can find them on the web if we figure out the proper search string.

Steven, you've provided today's first and most appropriate typo, and I thank you.

Anonymous said...

This story stinks. :o)

Trish said...

there are also biodegradable poo bags, so that picking up poo doesn't mean we're putting polyethylene bags of poo into the landfills forever. Most have gotten to the point where they aren't degrading in the carry sack anymore (a problem with the first few generations of cornstarch bags).

and primarily, the problem with household dogs poo is that we just don't have enough water to degrade their poo and their diets have too much meat and not enough veggies to easily degrade back to the earth. Or so was explained by a vet we knew years ago.

bags are easy to come by and easy to carry. we have a few of the bone shaped clip on carriers to attach to leashes, which makes it easy to remember to take with us when we go out.

Laura M said...

One of my fondest stories about Child #3 was when we took a short walk in Hahamongna. He was bout 3-4 at the time. He was a little behind and suddenly, joyfully shouted, "I found a stick!" The stick was petrified dog poo, and since I didn't have any wipes at that moment, I just decided to belive that the sun had killed anything living in it.

Child #3 is still a live and healthy, so no harm came. And it was much less disruptive than stepping in a fresh pile.

Petrea Burchard said...

Anonymous: Har!

The biodegradables are the ones we use, Trish. They cost about $5 for an amply full box.

Laura: a story of much rejoicing in our dry climate!

Margaret said...

Oh, Petrea. Has it come to this? Poo?

Ms M said...

Good for My Pet Garden for doing this! Our Parks & Rec has a few poo bag dispensers on the greenbelt, but more would be helpful since so many people here have dogs, quite often big dogs, too. Poo poo pi doo!

Petrea Burchard said...

Oh Margaret, it has always been this. At least, as long as I've had a dog, it has been this.
You have a dog, are you not poo-obsessed at your house? Of course you have teenaged daughters, too, so although I find it hard to imagine I suppose they take precedence over the dog.

Ms. M, that tells me that poo bags are becoming stylish! I noticed today on our neighborhood walk, however, that they are not yet stylish enough.

Bellis said...

That's a fun video you linked to. In San Francisco they've been turning the dog poo into electricity, haven't they? I reckon we could power a few lights with Abby's.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

mind if I don't read through the comments? I'm eating dinner

Petrea Burchard said...

Have they really, Bellis? And I've been blithely throwing the stuff away.

PA, it's always your choice. This here is America.

Anonymous said...

The plastic bags full of poop that people leave on the edge of the trails are even worse than the temporary pollution caused by just the dog poop alone… Biodegradable bags are indeed a step in the right direction, but as far as I'm concerned the plastic bag dispensers are a disservice to the community and the environment.

Dina said...

Your linked article says Americans have 78 million pet dogs! That's like ten times more dogs than Israel has people. I find it hard to grasp.

Petrea Burchard said...

Anon, I see your point. These particular bags aren't the biodegradable kind. I wonder how many are being left by the path and how many are being thrown away? Stats would help tell us if this is better or worse than plain old poop.

Your complaint points up how much we need to educate. Either that or add another trash can or two, as Bellis suggests.

Amazing, isn't it, Dina? And obviously not all pet owners have the slightest inkling of what they're doing. But it's a big industry here.

Laurie Allee said...

Love this, P.

Lucas Kain said...

Indeed. Your title is: well, not sure what to put here, but it ain't gonna be witty. My muse has gone away and I am not sure when she will be back. Quite sad. On topic: Keep it clean, dog owners! Imagine it in front of you while you lunch and think twice before leaving it standing there.

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