Sunday, April 17, 2011

Moving On

Before everything dries up, I want you to remember Pasadena's not always a desert. We do get moisty things here. We do get sylvan things, faerie things. In the heat of summer, when everything's the color of straw and it feels like if you light a match the very dirt will catch fire, think back: remember the rain that wouldn't stop; remember the clouds that rolled across the mountains to reveal snowy peaks; remember how depressed your pets were and how many umbrellas you went through and all the green, green green that resulted from the storms.

Remember how glorious our winter was this year, and don't forget to enjoy our beautiful summer.

Are we going to have spring, or are we just going to plunge right in?


Bellis said...

There's a gnome at home somewhere near that toadstool. Will you post this again in the heat of summer, when a match can set the very dirt on fire, to remind us that there will eventually be moisture and green grass again?

Dina said...

Gee, I could have said the same about the land here in the Hills of Judea. In fact, maybe I'll just translate your post into Hebrew and publish it.
Oh wait, my blog is in English.

Unknown said...

Moisty? That's a word for the ages.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Feels like we plunged right into summer today...

Shell Sherree said...

I'm hoping for a non-moisty winter here. I've had enough of moisty for the time being. But I wish you all the moistiness you dream of over there...

Petrea Burchard said...

I usually don't post repeat photos, Bellis, but remind me and I'll find something stormy and cold.

Haha, Dina, you have my permission!

Like it, Cliff? Someone did a study and found that "moist" is a highly unpopular word. But "moisty," now, how can you not like that?

Doesn't it, J.J.? Though realistically, we all know it'll get hotter.

Shell, you Aussies have had more than your share of both fires and floods. Something in between would be right, don't you think? After all you've been through, a season of perfect weather is what you deserve.

HearkenCreative said...

I love this photo. I miss you calling out the interlopers. But I know (and hope — especially said interlopers) that all things must end.

I watered for the first time in months yesterday; it felt like I was transgressive...but we don't have that much to keep green, so it's all good. I'll go look for some of these beauties in my yard this morning — they often show up after some watering.

TheChieftess said...

Ahhh...faeries, gnomes and Leprechauns must be close at hand!!!

Marylinn Kelly said...

Petra, I found your blog by googling a photo of Johnson Lake. I am going to use it in my blog, with credit and a link here. What you are doing is wonderful...I will return and read more. As a Pasadena native, it is so nice to see it appreciated, celebrated. Thank you.

Curly said...

By the look of it here where I live, WE are going to plunge into Summer... a pity because I do love Spring, but here in the North nothing is certain when it comes to weather so... ;-)
I love mushrooms, though I can't eat any (allergic), but I really love the looks of them! They look like small homes for dwarfs or little magical creatures!

Marylinn Kelly said...

P.S. I hope I haven't violated your "no use without permission" policy. There is no commercial intent and you are fully credited and linked.

Petrea Burchard said...

Hearken, I hope you got some mushrooms today. By the way, the interlopers haven't posted anything today--not even stolen from others. Fingers crossed their site will disappear soon.

Chieftess, there are so many faerie places around here I'm sure I haven't found them all.

Hi Marylinn, welcome, and thanks for your kind words. I just popped an email off to you.

daisy, somehow I imagine the little creatures in northern Italy to be more magical than ours. It's the European fairy tails I read when I was a kid.

Susan Campisi said...

It sure felt like we plunged right into the heat of summer yesterday. I fell into a panic when I realized all my plants are dying (I've been entirely focused on work inside my house and neglected the yard), and I couldn't get the in-ground sprinkler to work. A friend gave me a hose and this morning I spent time watering my very dry, thirsty plants. I thought of you and wondered if you've managed to kill your grass yet. Any luck?

Speedway said...

I knew I'd heard the word "moisty" somewhere before. It was this song, the lyrics of which have reference to "an old man, clad all in leather." Could he have been a gnome, basking in the warm sun, working on his little SoCal gnome tan so he'll be in shape for the next round of cookie commercials? No? Oh, that's right -- elves live in the cookie tree.

Petrea Burchard said...

Susan, I might have an extra hose for you if you need another one. Our yard is not dead. I've spoken with the gardener and we're going to institute a plan for the grass later this year. Right now we're just going to kill a few plants.

Speedway: "...old man, clad in leather, moisty..." Eeuw. All I need to know.

Susan Campisi said...

An extra hose would be great. If you can spare one, I'll take it. Thank you!

Margaret said...

Now that is a fantastic picture.

Petrea Burchard said...

Susan, I'll email you about that hose.

Why, thank you, Margaret.