It's a good day to post this photo because today is special: it's the birthday of my husband, my best friend, my helper, my comedian, my teacher, my light, my safety net, my power switch, my sounding board, my partner, my question, my answer, my absolute love. And now that we're past the mushy stuff, he's also my favorite silly person. No one has ever made me laugh as much or as hard.
I keep coming up with special things for us to do today, but I don't think he wants to do special things. He wants to relax, get some work done and enjoy his home. And really, when a couple of nerds are happy together, that's special enough.
Maybe it would be best to celebrate by doing something silly. Your silly suggestions are welcome.
Happy birthday, sweeney.
What a beautiful pair you are!
Maybe put some Harry Nilsson on the turntable (?), lie on your backs on the floor, then grab your own toes in the air and rock to the music like pandas.
Then go find someplace that serves pink lemonade. No cheating by getting Snapple from a refrigerator case.
Such an endearing picture of clear-sighted people.
Happy birthday, John! Happy unbirthday, Petrea. Your togetherness and love are cause for celebration for us all.
Hmmm, silly? Maybe you could do silly-walks in the yard and the neighbors will raise their cameras.
Accountants would say, looking at the photo:
You look adorable together. And you sound likewise. Happy birthday, John!
As for something silly, how about getting Boz to cook you some dinner?
What a wonderful photo! Great glasses on a great couple. Have a fabulous Birthday John! As far as silly ideas, I say Petrea put on a poodle skirt and John don jeans and a white t-shirt and head down to the malt shop to share a Birthday sundae.
Happy birthday, John. Looks like we've got brilliant Leos all over!
P & J you are both looking trés chic. Happy BDay J!
You make a beautiful couple and there is nothing that can trump your happiness together.... it shows!
The panda rock! Yes! That's a silly walk. The neighbors will surely raise their cameras if we do it outside.
Maybe Boz will bring us some dinner. Or cough some up. I'm not sure "silly" is the word for that. I will ask Boz if I can borrow his poodle skirt.
Thank you all for your birthday messages for John. He'll see them and respond in his inimitable way, I'm sure.
Happy Birthday, John! Hope it is a great one.
Happy Birthday to John!!
Love the new glasses. I still have your bowl, BTW. I will try to remedy that situation soon...
Happy Birthday to John. I say go to a silly movie. Is there one out?
Awwww... what a sweet post, what a sweet picture, and what a sweet couple! Happy birthday, John!
Linda, the remedy is my responsibility. I've been lax, sorry. I'll give a call.
John is having his morning web surf. I don't think he's come to PDP yet.
ginab: a lovely portrait of two of my favorite sillies. Happy Bday
Linda's talents know no bounds! (Her birthday is coming up, too - July 29.)
Thank you, Ginab. We will be silly for you.
Thank you, Ann. Good to know!
A lovely couple, and the glasses too!
I hear Toy Story 3 is a LOL movie---and you don't have to have seen the others to enjoy it. Go watch that, then to the malt shoppe and then avoid whatever Boz barfs up! Happy happy all around!
Happy birthday! July birthdays ROCK!
He can go to Denny's and get a free dinner.
Our favorite way to get silly is to drink some red wine and watch Monty Python. Again. It gets better the more you watch it.
Happy Birthday, John. You're very lucky to have a wife who writes such nice things about you. And I love it that you're wearing an apron, the best attire for the perfect husband. Have you gone into hiding with embarrassment at all the adulation today?? Don't be shy - you're worth it.
We skipped Denny's, but fittingly, we had lunch at Lovebirds Cafe. (No barf, but there was a nice dog at the outside tables, Trish.)
Happy birthday, J.J.!
Bellis, I had to take a second look. Apron? Ah, no, it's Boz's leash hanging about John's neck.
I agree with everyone else, you two are just the best looking couple around! Happy, happy birthday wishes to John!
Happy 39th Birthday John. Enjoy your day.
Thank you, all. We had a great time. Isn't that a lovely picture of Petrea? I got my gift nine years ago.
Happy birthday John!!! Hope you had a great day!!!
ps...love the glasses!!!
J---stick with the apron line...while walking Boz IS worthy of praise, the apron thing suggests you are cooking for your lovely wife---MAJOR points there! Happy b-day too!
glad you all had a great time, dog options and all P! even better that there was no barf involved!
Wonderful photo of the two of you. Happy birthday to John! And I hope you had a fun, silly and loving day together.
Thank you all. It's been a good day. Every day's a good day when we get to spend it together.
I love the flexibility of blogs. They’re good for essays, musings, community activism, and birthday cards. Happy birthday, you witty John, you.
Happy Birthday, John. You've got 18 minutes of it left. Use it wisely.
I can get drunk in 18 minutes.
Nerds? I don't think so. Happy Birthday
Hi Petrea,
Happy Birthday to John.
I guess many young couple want to be like you as a model in their marriage.
Been long time not heard from you. :)
Love how you describe him. Happy belated birthday husband of Petrea.
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