Yet just across the way, at 222 E. Harvard Street in Glendale...

I'm not sure if I like the "Cyberfoot" thing. Too cute, maybe. But I wrote it, so I'm stuck with it for now, and you get the idea. If you're thinking about blogging or if you're blogging and nobody's reading, come on by.
By the way, the driveway just west of the haunted alley will take you into the parking lot on the corner of Harvard and Maryland. Validate your ticket at the library's front desk and you can park three hours for free.
I hope to see you, ruby slippers or no.
~~~~ Halloween signs?
Wish I could hear you speaking on the ten tips.
Break a cyberleg.
They do look Halloweeny, don't they? They're street repair signs, I guess. Little workmen holding stop signs. They see kind of silly, but we get the meaning and I guess that's what counts! Thanks, Dina.
You're a wonderful speaker; everyone will have a good time -- and even learn something, to cyberboot.
I found your last talk very helpful. I know that folks attending on Saturday will be helped, too.
Will you have a cash bar and some finger food? Im sure it will be very entertaining and informative.
I'll be there because it will give me an excuse to eat donuts for breakfast. Actually, I know it will be worthwhile because Petrea puts a lot of thought and preparation into everything she does.
You guys are sweet! Thank you. And I have been practicing--not too hard, there's room for spontaneity.
So Mark, no cash bar, but I hear there will be coffee and donuts. Maybe an incentive to get there early.
Super! Have a great time!
That's an impressive c.v on the Alameda Writer's Group web site. They're lucky to get you.
Putting your best cyborgfoot forward? Very sci-fi of you. Oh wait, I should slow down when I read (an Evelyn Wood superstar I'm not). I really wish I could attend your talk. And not just for the donuts! I'm sure it'll be a fun event and people will learn a lot.
Thanks, Des!
Bellis, they get some excellent people. I'd better be sharp.
Ha ha, Katie! We've been calling the sideboard the cyborg.
I hope your talk went well -- and that you had fun doing it, cyberfoot, cyborgfoot and all... :)
It's in two more days, Ms. M! I'm getting psyched.
Oops! I misread the date of your talk! I'm sure you will do a great job :) Have a good time!
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