In case you were planning on attending the City Council meeting this coming Monday to help defend Hahamongna from soccer fields, it looks like the issue's been put off until the July 12th meeting. Sure enough, I don't see it on the June 7th City Council Agenda. I was feeling optimistic about preventing soccer fields in Hahamongna, but apparently the City Council is under some pressure. Find out more and sign the Save Hahamongna petition at savehahamongna.org.
By the way, the spring flood waters have diminished to small streams, but they're still flowing.
Soccer fields on a flood plain. Call me crazy, but I'm thinking it's not the ideal spot.
Beautiful photo. You're like the Monet of Pasadena, capturing the changing light in your favorite places.
Wow, look at those wildflowers...
The iPhone gives it that impressionistic look because it's not totally clear. I kind of like it.
Wrong spot for many reasons, including the loss of these beautiful colors and flowers.
Yeah. Maybe I should change the title of this post. I was being sarcastic, but I don't want anyone to misunderstand me.
The flowers and mustard have been allowed to grow on the upper trail this year, so it's very pretty and wild. The area across the river where they want to put the soccer fields and car park is no longer as pretty as it's a large expanse of sand and mud many feet higher than before. To make soccer fields here will involve a vast amount of earthmoving and stabilization and even then, who's to say it won't all get washed away in the next heavy rainstorm?
I hope we can persuade the City Council that this project will be a huge waste of taxpayer's money.
Brassica nigra: Mustard
Cities have long put things like soccer fields and even housing in flood plains, then told people they have to buy flood insurance. Look at a lot of Riverside or San Bernardino County (hello, riverside, a clue?!?!). Drive out the 210 past the 57 and look at all the river rock...there's your clue.
People just don't learn.
I would hope that the council doesn't put children in danger by building over Hahamongna...it would be prudent NOT to build there with the natural water flow it is just ASKING for danger to children.
As a child who had to play soccer in the rain & on rainy fields, I can tell you it isn't fun, I can only imagine a field with a natural spring running thru it...ugh!
wv: plesing...a soppy soccer field will NOT be plesing...oh, pleAsing...sigh, pardon, I am a lot dyslexic!
Not to mention the rattlesnakes (I've come across two in as many weeks). And the people who've had to be rescued from the mud.
I think we have alternatives--other places that would be better for soccer fields. Isn't there an area near the high school that's being considered?
Good to continue conversations/letters with those who will decide. It is the ideal spot for what is already there.
To write to the mayor and/or your City Council member, click here, then click on their district and you'll find their email address. Can't hurt to write to them all.
These are beautiful! I post a daily photo on ShutterCal.com, and it's funny because that business is located in Pasadena, CA!
This is just such a beautiful wild and gorgeous spot. I'm hoping it will get to stay just that way. I hope I don't have to come back out there and kick some serious butt over this issue!!!
A really lovely photo!
I like Katie's description ~ the Monet of Pasadena!
Virginia, please come back over to kick some butt at the council meeting - we'll need you.
The light is amazing in this photo! Love it!
I hope the area stays as it is and does not turn into soccer fields; let it just be a natural watershed.
Thank you all for your comments today. It appears our fight is not over and I'll keep you posted. I want to enter the discussion with the Council on a hopeful, positive note, believing that we all want what's best for everyone--and of course we all agree with me!
I'm working on my powers of persuasion.
By the way, DefaultArtist, http://shuttercal.com/ looks cool. I love finding new stuff. Thanks.
Maybe they'll change it to a water polo field just so they can move forward.
This place looks so lovely and unspoiled. I hope it stays that way.
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