Zen Monday is the day you experience the photo and give us your thoughts rather than me telling you what I think the photo's about. There's no right or wrong. It means what you think it means, or what you want it to mean.
I look for a photo worth contemplating or, failing that, something odd or silly. Unless I absolutely must say something I stay out of the comments box to avoid influencing the discussion because when I get in there everything goes down hill.
But something tells me today I may not be able to resist.
"Look John!!! Here's my ride for the DooDah parade!!!"
Just say no! I heard that wheelbarrows are a gateway drug to tractors and combines.
You are a barrel of fun!
I'm salivating
Concrete Ideas
Another red wheelbarrow.
P: You look like a real worker with that scarf in socal!
A member of the infamous Barrow gang.
A Boz-sized scooper at last!
How did we end up with all this stuff?
Dang it Clifford...you made me spew all over the computer!!!
Sorry about that. Should have gone with Paul Bunyon's tongue...
Oh, Petrea. Does everything have to go? Has it come to this? I could have told you, blogging is fun, but it's no way to make a living.
Is this your version of the famous painting "American Gothic" by Grant Wood? Is John standing off to the side out of the picture? Shall we call it "Pasadena Gothic?"
Trivia note. Grant Wood was born in Iowa and the "husband and wife" who posed as the models were actually brother and sister."
No job to small or big.
I don't have the right shoes on to take this baby home!
i do like the Barrow gang and I'm with The Chieftess---nearly sprayed a nice big apple ~20" monitor with diet a&w!
A Pooper Scooper for Bozerino! :)
PS I miss my Boz!!!!
The best stuff I can't say. So, I'll pass on this one...
You're WHAT??? Passing??? For the love. Spit it out. Inquiring minds want to know.
Is there a yard sale going on in the background? If you buy enough stuff, do you get a free wheelbarrow (to cart your stuff home)?
South of Bama Virg:
You were here??? Passing thru Southern Cal?? For the love - Why didn't you spit it out! This K9 could have used some petting time from you!
Someone could have used a publicity agent for this.
I really thought I was being brave putting up this photo. You all are so polite.
My friend took this shot with my iPhone. He did an excellent job of framing. I should also tell you he took another one which was more complimentary of me, but I thought this one was funnier. I'll ask him if he wants me to publish his name. In the meantime, this will be filed under "guest photographers."
Now I see you with completely fresh eyes, Petrea.
Are those the lampshades V wore at the party?
Take this wheelbarrow and shove it!
Heh heh!! Oh, my wv is 'shewaggl'. She does waggle, and very nicely, I must say.
gina b
Steffen, you made me laugh! But my sister Gina B is right. I've always been a clown and this one is a classic. (Not so much waggle as waddle.)
Ha! I particularly love the crooked lamp shade in the background. Oh yes...publish me!! LOL
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you today's guest photographer, Tony Minutelli! (applause, applause, applause!)
YAY Tony!!!! PPP!!! Perfect Petrea Photo...
Wait. No. He took one of me that was pretty.
But that would be an EMPPP...Even More Perfect Petrea Photo!!!
A great pose, Petrea! Love it.
However, having just spent 4 days pushing dirt-filled wheelbarrows up the dumping ramp at the excavations, I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANOTHER WHEELBARROW for a long time.
My artist neighbor's wife sprained her ankle and he used their wheelbarrow to transport her around the garden. LOL. Wish I could publish that photo.
You're on a dig, Dina, and I'm hoping to see those pictures. Yay!
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