Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have created another of those weeks with too much to do and too little time in which to do it. It's not like I didn't see it coming.

The previous weeks have been just as full so my prep time gets crammed into little places, usually referred to as "last minutes."

To change this would mean saying "no" much more often. I could, but I'm not sure I want to. I may be freaked out, but I am rarely bored.


Latino Heritage said...

The one thing I promised James when we decided we would marry is that he would never be bored. 30 years later still making the same promise.
Lucky us married to folks who do not bore and welcome our not boring them.

Dina said...

Interesting patterns (in the photo). Just don't get any ideas of climbing up that ladder.
Good luck with the time.

Anonymous said...

very calming.

lewi14@gmail.com said...

Wonderful shot. It's very linear. I like it.

Petrea Burchard said...

It is the troof, dear Miss H. I can think of two subjects on which I am neutral, but out of millions of subjects, those two rarely come up.

Roberta! That's a noble vow, one everyone would benefit from making.

Dina, climbing that ladder (in the physical sense) never would have occurred to me. I like to entertain myself but I find safer ways!

Maria, thank you. I like the light in this one.

Hi Steffen. I'm glad you like it.

Anonymous said...

Looking at your picture gives me a lot of lines in head.

I’m normally not very fond of heights, but think I wouldn’t have any problems using this ladder even if it doesn’t follow the rules given in the working environment legislation.

Is this taken during sunrise or just on a sunny day?

Virginia said...

I'm chasing my tail too, as Boz would say. I don't have a spare minute and that equals "forgetfulness'! Well I'm with you, I could say no more but I don't and I won't!

Love the abstractiness of this photo. :)

Petrea Burchard said...

I took it on a sunny day, Anonymous. We were in the alley on the west side of the Zephyr coffee house, that leads to the parking behind.

Thanks, V! Hey, chasing one's tail is entertainment in the dog world.

mark said...

Im sure that ladder leads to a diving board and then into a huge swimming pool. It has to.
Im in a "Zen Tuesday" state of mind.

Petrea Burchard said...

It would be nice, wouldn't it, Mark?

Amy said...

Oh I heart the Zephyr.

Being bored is overrated. :)

Ms M said...

Excellent photo!

And I agree; it's good to be busy and not bored. :)

Petrea Burchard said...

Amy, I've been down on the Zephyr for a while. In three different experiences the food was greasy and tasteless, the service was slow, the music was too loud and three different stations played in three different areas of the place.

But J and I were in the neighborhood and wanted a cup of coffee the other day so we stopped in. I guess we hit the right time of day. It wasn't crowded, the guy working the counter was a sweetheart, and there was no music playing at all. What a pleasant experience.

Anonymous said...

Your photograph is reminiscent of Edward Biberman's architectural paintings, conjuring up the same solemnity. Fabulous!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Anonymous. I appreciate the compliment. I wasn't familiar with Biberman so I googled and found this Biberman work.