Today is one of my favorite days of the year because we set our clocks forward one hour. Now we can finally get a few extra rays of sunlight each day.
Daylight Saving Time was invented by a New Zealand entomologist named George Vernon Hudson. He wanted more daylight hours after work at his day job for collecting bugs. (The things you learn on Wikipedia!)
Fine with me. What I can't figure out is why we have to set our clocks back in the fall.
I'm with you about more sunlight. Our cat and I enjoy the warmth coming in through the window. It seems to set my circadian rhythms. Don't you love that term?
I live for this day all winter! I love the "extra" sun in the evening.
Sunlight provides Vitamin D. At least 5 mins three times a week to keep you healthy. We're lucky, we have lots of sunshine and all the cats sun themselves too. I love daylight saving too.
Shanna: from dictionary.com:
1955–60; < L circā about + di(ēs) day + -an
Me too, J.J.! From the day we set the clocks back I'm drumming my fingers.
Mme B, does it seem the original reasoning for all this clock changing no longer exists? Should we leave our clocks alone this fall like they do in Hawaii? They seem to get along fine.
I realize I didn't finish my comment to Shanna: what happens when summer dries out our skies and you don't get any more clouds to photograph?
It's actually been shown that all this clock jockeying actually COSTS money rather then saving it.
I say when the sun is at it's highest set the clock to 12, then LEAVE IT ALONE.
But then I say a lot of things ^_^
I lost an hour of sleep last night because of some guy who wanted more time to collect bugs? Sheesh! Love this photo though; that cat looks amazingly relaxed, and I really like this style of window.
Not to mention the car accidents in the fall, Ted. Yeah, what you say is usually astute.
I know, Katie! Not that bugs aren't incredibly interesting.
My friend, the inimitable and witty Michelle, says "While I never knew who came up with the concept of daylight savings, I DID know he was not the parent of a young child."
We're very lucky because we're changing the clocks two weeks before Britain, where they really need the extra sunshine hours more than we do.
I always thought circadian rhythms had something to do with cicadas, duh.
Wonderful photo. It reminded me of how one of our kitties used to lie in a shaft of sun coming through the windows and move along with it across the carpet as the day wore on.
Bellis, it was probably originally about cicadas, per Mr. Hudson's profession, but you know how language changes over time.
Boz follows the sun across the floor, too, because I move his bed for him. He expects it.
I'm a curmudgeon about the whole thing. I love more sunlight, but hate the havoc created by changing clocks. Try getting a stubborn child with deeply set habits to go to bed at a different time. Or even go to bed at all when it's still light outside!
So now I now who to blame--
Day or night, I'm always happy when the subject of a post is a cat..
Yep my favorite day too. I am a sun lover. Now if we could just see some sun around this place. For the love!
"He wanted more daylight hours after work at his day job for collecting bugs."
Well you can't fault a guy with that. More sunlight definitely makes me a more productive creature, can't wait til the last rays are on the horizon until 9pm.
Laurie, I don't need to have a stubborn child when it comes to this one. I am the stubborn child.
Here's a poem for Little Bit:
Yep, Desiree. The bug guy.
PA, I hope Tovah is doing better. Sounds like she is.
Virginia, you bring the sunshine to Birmingham, don't you? You shine plenty of it around here.
Amy, you and I need to move to England. I spent 6 weeks there one summer and loved how I could be out at 10pm and it was still light.
I love daylight savings time...the hubman prefers the "regular" time...but I have to say, as much as I love gaining more sunlight in the evenings...my favorite day is the day we turn the clocks back cause I get an extra hour of sleep...or play before going to sleep the night before!!!
Love the kitty in the sunshine in the window! Our cat loves to find that patch of morning sun and soak it in.
As far as DST, I don't like the clock changing thing. I wish they would just choose one time and leave it there.
Welcome, sun! I can get up just about any time as long as it's light. Maybe now I can be more productive.
93 million miles away and still is plagues me …
Ah, Chieftess, sleep is overrated. I never get enough of being awake. It seems I'm just getting started and bummer!--I'm all tired again.
Confusing, isn't it, Ms. M? If not to our thinking brain, it is to our circadian rhythms, as Shanna said.
Margaret, no matter how much it plagues J, I do think the sun is replenishing and joyful. I hope it makes you more productive (if that makes you happy).
Now, that's a beautiful spot for a kitty!
You move Boz's bed as the sun moves? That's one lucky dog.
Dina, have I mentioned that Boz is an angel come to bring love and that I'm madly in love with him? I do what I can to deserve him.
«Louis» is with you on hating the fall-back in Fall!
I love daylight saving too.
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