It's fun time for the San Gabriel Valley blog community. This means not just bloggers, but blog visitors, too--whether you comment or not. Just because you're reading this right now, you're invited to the SGV Blogger's Potluck on March 20th! Wasn't that easy?
It's a chance to meet your blog friends face-to-face.
It's hosted by some of your favorite Altadena bloggers.
Last year it was a blast (not like the picture, though).
There's one catch. You have to bring something to share. You know, like, food. It's a potluck.

Today's photo is a relatively nondescript parking lot at the corner of Walnut and Marengo. I keep taking pictures of it and not liking them (gee, I wonder why). I finally just played with it and was satisfied. After all, today's post is about playing. Sometimes you've just gotta.

UPDATE: Look what
Thal sent: according to his comment today, this was the Beaux Arts style Wilson School, formerly at this location. "After the 1933 Long Beach earthquake," says Thal, "many such buildings were demolished as unsafe. Then this corner remained vacant for a long time, owned by the city, and then when the LA County Court needed a parking lot, this ugliness was built."
Meaning the parking lot which, even with my most playful alterations, doesn't hold a candle to the Wilson School.
Sounds like it'll be a riot. Wish I could come. Have fun at playtime. The play's the thing.
Wish I could come too. It sounds like an interesting and funny meeting.
It should be so much fun. I always love meeting my blog friends..
I'd love to have the three of you there! Wouldn't it be great to have a world-wide blogger picnic? One of the joys of this blog project has been meeting blog friends, as you say, Aysegul. People turn out to be just as wonderful in person as they are on line.
You've managed to make that parking structure look so much better! How about recolorizing a few more Pasadena buildings, like the new one at the corner of California and Fair Oaks? Can you make shades of gray go away?
Bellis, I can give it a shot.
Add me to the list of "I Wish I Could Come" people, as I'm sure there will be lots of jocularity (and good food). INext year? I think you've achieve a perfect vintage 1960s postcard coloring in your photo, which is perfect for this style of building. Bravo!
Sigh - I'll be at home in Ontario during the get together. So sad to be missing out again!
Katie, it would be fun to have you. But I suppose there must be some time in the year when you actually work.
Ben, I can't believe you have to miss it. I'm bummed.
Petrea, this was the site, Marengo and Walnut of the Beaux Arts style Wilson School. I'll email you the photo. After the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, many such buildings were demolished as unsafe. Then this corner remained vacant for a long time, owned by the city, and then when the LA County Court needed a parking lot, this ugliness was built. Such a shame. The original Beaux Arts John Muir school was located on the NW corner of Walnut and Los Robles and suffered a similar fate.
I'll be at the bloggers' picnic! Don't yet know what I'll bring. The spirit will move me that morning, I suppose.
The parking structure was built by and is owned by the County of Los Angeles -- that government entity known so well for uglying up the Pasadena Civic Center with squared-off, non-descript, unimaginative architecture a'la that parking structure and the county courthouse.
Thanks, Thal. Post is updated, everyone, with a beautiful historical photo!
Have fun, all!! That's a lovely photo from Thal ~ such a shame this wonderful old place isn't still around.
Thal is a great resource!
There's also a post on my blog from last year showing the school all decked out for President Theodore Roosevelt's visit to Pasadena.
I'm having BLogger Picnic Envy in the biggest way. OH I wish I could join you rowdy Cali bloggers. Don't talk about me behind my back now , you heah??? :)
Shell, I agree. (Wish you could come to the picnic.)
Ann, I agree with you, too--Thal's a great resource and so are you. I remember that post! Now I know why the building looks familiar.
Virginia, we talk about you behind your back all the time and we always say nice things. I wish you could be here, too.
The school was so much more interesting than LA County's replacement. And from Ann's Mystery History about it, I got a great quote from Teddy Roosevelt that we should use for the present-day preservation of Hahamongna: "Oh, Mr. Mayor, don't let them spoil that! Just keep it as it is."
Ann, It's so nice to see the pepper trees of Marengo back in the day. There are many old postcards with a colorized view of those pepper trees. Does anyone know the origin of the name Marengo as applied to this Pasadena street? All I can find out is this on Wikipedia.
It is a place in northern Italy and a battle in the Napoleonic War, and also the name of Napoleon's horse, but definitely related to Italy. Ann, any ideas?
I vote for the jumping spiders, Thal.
I might finally be able to do this since its in the daytime. The wife might be too tired, but I can take my daughter. Sounds like fun! I'm helping to spread the word.
Thanks. Be sure and introduce yourself around. Bring business cards for your blog, too!
That is a great resource!
work at home in india
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