And the kids were into it! Marcellina let me read Rain Makes Applesauce, an imaginative book written with a tad bit of sarcasm by Julian Scheer, with phantastic illustrations by Marvin Bileck.
I loved books when I was a kid, but did I scream and laugh at every page? Was Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures In Wonderland as thrilling as this? Yes, I think it was (and still is--has been for a long time). The original drawings by John Tenniel remain uniquely wonderful, too.
I had other stuff to do yesterday. I forget what it was. Who cares?
What a great photo! I love reading books to children too. I bought a children's picture book explaining the Paris monuments yesterday and read it to myself over dinner! V
And I'll bet you're a fine story teller too, Petrea - just to really top off some marvellous book choices.
{Virginia, I'd enjoy one of those Paris monuments books myself!}
Your picture and story fill my heart with joy. Those lucky kids to have Petrea the Storyteller.
You have the right priorities for sure.
You have captured a great moment. Look at the expressions on the faces of the children. Lovely..
Apart from your blog i like yuh too much !
Must be grt experience and fun...
AHAHAHAHAHAH. Children are the same, everywhere!
Nice photo petrea. And thanks for my daily view! :)
It was in 3rd grade that I had a teacher who was also a stage actress, Alice McGill was her name and she would do one woman performances of "Sojourner Truth" among others.
She could have made the phone book exciting, so I can just imagine what a treat this scene must have been.
I'll bet you gave them some memories they'll carry for a long time.
I'm a big fan of children's lit, but I don't know the book you read. Now that I have a wonderful new, captive audience of one, I'll have to check it out.
I hope the author/illustrator of the Applesauce book stumble across your photo. It will make their day.
This photo is so wonderful! I love all the different looks on the faces of the kids (especially the girl with the big laugh), as they each seem to be absorbing the story at their own pace. What a fun opportunity for both you as the reader and the kids to hear a story. Thank you so much for this -- it's a great way for me to start my day.
Oh, too cute! Love the girls reaction in the back. What a gift for them to be read to by a real performer!
I don't know if I'm any good, but I had fun. Marcellina had them primed; she'd already mesmerized them with a story. I don't know who took the photo because I was having so much fun reading. But my camera was there and the moms started snapping. It was taken by either Lisa or Michelle. The dads were nearby talking about things men talk about--you know, machinery, the economy, their sewing projects...
What larks! I love this. That one little girl is just over the moon.
These moments make up the cherished memories of childhood. How lucky you all were to have shared it together and how kind of you to share it with us.
Shell: wouldn't it be nice if one day we all could meet in Paris and have Petrea read to us from the book Virgina bought? I wouldn't mind owning that book myself and I don't even know what it is! I wonder if it's This is Paris?
Oh that is a picture to cherish Petrea! I'd love to come to your story time. I'm a little bit shy to read up at my kids' schools(strangely enough) but I love to at home. It's fun to practice all the different voices.
I'll have to look for that book for my youngest. You're so fun!!
Love this picture. The girsl seem so enraptured.
What a great title! It's so fascinating, I want to sit down with everyone else and hear how to make applesauce, too.
Your picture and words (and the girl shrieking with laughter on the right) have made me forget whatever it was I was thinking about. Brilliant!
I remember many books that I loved as a child, but none that made me laugh out loud a lot. That looks like so much fun; you have to roll with those moments. I'm glad you forgot your other plans. :D
The one who was most enraptured was the little boy. He threw his head back and forth and screamed and laughed so hard his mom said it was difficult to get a picture of him.
I have to tell you: it wasn't about the way I read the story. I think it was the friends, the weather, the book, everything. We were in the mood to have a good time so we did. These kids all have wonderful parents who allow them these moments. They're learning to enjoy life.
Oh and I love Cali's idea. Let's meet in Paris for story time. But let's have Virginia read to us in her Alabama accent, en français.
Wonderful to have this moment captured!!!
What great fun was had by all! Wonderful photo.
what a great photo of a fun afternoon! I love the expressions on the faces of the kids. And I'll bet you're a superb story teller, Petrea!
No words except "joy" -- great to be a kid, great to be a part of a wonderful neighborhood with families like this.
That is precious! You are just wonderful.
Hey Tash! I was just on your blog! Serendipity.
Petrea, that is simply one of the most wonderful, heartwarming photographs ever taken.
Thank you for making a tired old man's day.
Dive, you're welcome. Now I have to find out who took it.
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