Zen Monday is the day you experience the photo and give us your thoughts rather than me telling you what the photo's about. I like to find something provocative for you or, failing that, at least something odd.
As I post each new Zen Monday photo, I'll add a label to last week's to identify it if necessary (if I know what it is).
Pull up a chair - you might have to wait a wee while.
LOL, Ted! - What I want to know is what ARE the jugs for?
Women go to the left and men go to the right.
Ahahahhahahahaah. Now I think I'll never again drink water from jugs!
I TOLD you wee'd have to stop if you drank that much water!
You only rent beer and water!
It does remind me of an announcement we heard last night at a minor league baseball game. It sounded like they said "Go to the Heineken beer stand IN the women's bathroom to claim your prize". Turns out it was just outside the women's bathroom...but a dream it would be---beer, a place to recycle it AND the speaker system so you'd never miss a minute of the game!
What goes in must come out.
Sometimes the water-jug-security-guard has to do his business.
"That's not what I meant by filtered water."
This should flush out my kidney stone once and for all.
I swear, this is some alternate-universe version of rock, paper, scissors.
Either that, or "reduce, reuse, recycle".
Both of my ideas are equally worrying!
The photo that cracked the infamous Arrowhead conspiracy.
United we stand (to pee), divided we...
Thanks to the "outside of the box" thinking of the management, the office moved into the parking lot.
Testing the waters
At least there's a place to sit after "skipping to the loo".
Even the person who guards the water bottles has to take a break now and then!
The attempt at breaking the world record for water drinking had all the essentials covered!
I'd don't have an answer, but that is too funny. Very good, Petrea.
:D Guess that's one way to skip the middle man. Just pour the jug directly into the toity!
Maybe it's a sound effects station.
So is this how they "unite" a site?
You are all too funny! One topper after another today. And J+P's word verification is really disturbing. If I could find enough weird photos to justify it I'd have Zen Monday more often.
You can't make this stuff up, can you? Great catch. Do you know the story behind it?
I don't make it up, Cali, that would be no fun.
I want to give it a day or two and then I'll answer your question. Just don't want to ruin the magic and mystery of Zen Monday.
Oops, just re-read the "disclaimer" at the bottom of the post. I can't wait to hear the story behind this one. Between this photo and Italo's comment I am reconsidering drinking bottled water . . .
reduce, reuse, recycle, you chose the order.
I can't think of anything clever, but this looks like our local flea market. I picture a vendor wondering why he can't sell his water bottles.
Right you are, Cali. ASAP.
Frazgo, I've thought of all the permutations as they apply to this situation. I don't really have a favorite, do you?
Hi Neetzy! How cool to see you here! Welcome. You must have come via Dive. Everyone, if check out Small Glass Planet and my buddy Dive. He's taken Zen Monday to hilarious heights in his own version, WTF Monday.
Plastic in, plastic out, plastic sitting down.
welcome to ReCycle World, the continuum
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