The winners are:
Roberta M.
Cafe Observer
Susan C.
Jim O (send me your mailing address, Jim--I think I'm not getting through your spam blocker)
As (apparently) many of you know, this is the interior of Zinke's Shoe Repair on Colorado Blvd. at Madison. The earlier post is below.
Before you say anything please read the rule, because if you do it wrong you might disqualify everybody.
(A cruel authority figure once told me "wrong" is not a nice word. Just obey the rule, okay?)
There's only one rule: you must email me the answer to the contest question at the end of the post. The link to my email is in the upper left corner of the blog.
You must not answer in the comments section. The reason for the rule is I have eight prizes to give away, and if you answer in comments you give the answer away, which invalidates any answers that follow your comment.
If you don't know the answer to the question you can play it like Zen Monday if you want to. Or critique my cropping. We'll use the comments to chat about something else today.
I think you'll like the prize:
(The Eateries website includes a couple of my coffee shop quest posts (I'll be getting back to the quest very soon), a terrific article by Ben and the funniest restaurant review ever, written by John Sandel, aka my husband, also known to Pasadena Daily Photo readers as J+P. Deb also put up a gallery of some of my shots.)
If you're willing to share your mailing address with me (I won't keep it), send me an email with the correct answer to the contest question. The first eight emails I receive that include the correct answer win the Eateries Handbook. If we don't get eight winners by midnight tonight, we'll do another contest until I give 'em all away.
The contest question is: Where was the top photo taken?
I was gonna say, P, is this your 1st draft of this post! Anyway, I think you're asking about the top photo - not the bottom pic.
Ok, I Emailed you my final answer. So, after reading your rules & regs for this contest I think you're trying to say the reward is you treat the winners to a meal at one of the eateries in the handbook? Can we go to Larkins for Soul Food?!
I have no idea (and thus don't break the rule), but love all the blueness and that cowboy boot flower pot.
I hereby exclude myself anyway, as it would be wr-wr-wrong for me to deprive a local from the delights of the prize! So I second Vanda's comment and I'm glad you mentioned the boot, Vanda - I missed it until I enlarged the pic. Nice touch!
Not only do I have no idea where, I'm mystified as to what. But it is a beautiful photo (love the blues).
I haven't been to Cycleway Coffee, but My Taco and Larkin's are two of my favorite spots. I also just tried Spitz in Eagle Rock for the first time and wonder if there's a coupon in the book.
Thanks for pointing out my error, Cafe. You're so gentle about it. Feel free to misunderstand my instructions; you may take yourself to Larkin's any time you wish.
Thanks, Vanda. I like the blueness, too.
Shell Sheree sent me an email with a tip on how to do this next time. Just monitor the comments. Brilliant, Shell! Too bad the out-of-towners can't really do this one. My previous contest was more universal (read a book, win a book).
Jean, I'm grateful to you for being a local who doesn't know this place. I'm thinking this one might have been too easy.
I don't see one for Spitz, Susan, but there's Cindy's and Cinnamon Vegetarian and Coffee Table.
Okay, I have to apologize to Cafe. another contestant mentioned in an email that the rules made her nervous. I'm sorry, Cafe. Next time I'll follow Shell's advice and we'll use comments moderation. Wish I'd thought of that before.
Well, let's talk about followers instead. Now I don't mind the fact that I have a modest amount. I figure they're quality followers. What I do mind is that so many drop out, and now they've been replaced by a bunch from Kahzastan or some such place. I'm wondering if foreign governments think I'm writing in code.
P, help me: how is comment moderation supposed to assist our understanding?
As I said B4, after reading this post, I almost gave up even trying to answer. However, thankfully my readings of law, irs, mg/mh, Ahikers, political speeches, & other govt agency legalese written in code, was of some help toward reading to the end.
I'm sorry, P, but you gotta remember that Bark is my 1st language.
Where are your followers, Karin? I don't see them on the blog. I figure people can follow me from anywhere. I love having an international gang. I follow internationally myself. If they're looking for state secrets they'll drop out eventually. That's probably why my numbers stay the same even though I keep getting new ones.
That's a very thoughtful question, P. But, I'll pass on your bait.
I'll just say maybe KB doesn't want any groupies.
Cafe, if I moderate comments they aren't posted to the blog until I choose to post them. I can read them, select the winners and post them all after the fact without giving away the answer until it's time. That way there doesn't have to be a rule about emailing me, and people can say whatever they want in comments.
I keep the followers gadget hidden. I don't want to embarrass anyone.
I knew P would chastise me for complaining about one of the 'stans.
WV: Dicare. Whad I care.
But I want to follow you, Karin. How can I follow you? Where's your gadget?
All I know is that I won! Can I say that? Petrea: Are you going to announce winners? Is that rude of me to ask?
A good idea, Margaret. Not rude at all. I'll update.
I'm Alin, Selim's daughter. This photo is so sweet ant cute. The floor is very funny. I like it. You can visit my blog:
Welcome to my blog, Alin. I'm so glad you came by.
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