Not all of Altadena's neighborhoods look like this one, but east of Lake Avenue you'll find many of the sort of homes you wouldn't even want if you couldn't afford the staff to help with the upkeep. I don't mind telling you I've done some fantasizing about these homes. Yes, and about having employees to do the tasks I don't want to do. A cleaning lady! A cleaning lady! My kingdom for a...* Well that doesn't make any sense, does it? Then what would she clean?
I think these folks are conserving water. Rich folks can be decent too.
I promised you an announcement today, and here it is: There's a new blog in town and it's called Altadena Daily Photo! Writer/photographer/Altadena resident Debbi Swanson Patrick has taken up the task. This means that once we've finished our hike with the Hiker, I'm going to officially leave the Altadena turf to Deb. Bonne chance, Debbi!
*Inspiration: The Altadenahiker herself.
... mmm ... okay ...
That's a fabulous home, but you're right about needing an army of servants!
You have been showing us a lot of green lately Petrea and I just love it...
Today's photo is particularly nice. I lvoe the way the picture is framed by green.
Ha ha, yes Julie, this one's a little off the deep end.
Hilda, I'll have to find one of the old dilapidated ones to show you. (The ones where there are no servants involved.) They're fascinating, too.
We've had rain, Rose! I hope people aren't watering their lawns. There's no excuse for it right now.
altadena is a town of extremes. Next time we'll have to go to the west side, which has an ENTIRELY different flavor.
Altadena is a town of extreme. I like Altadena, but it does seem to multiple personalities, which is why I will look forward to Debbi's blog.
Wait. I said that wrong. AH is right that Altadena is a town of extremes, as opposed to say extreme sports, although maybe it is that too.
And even though "west of Lake" has a reputation (both deserved and undeserved), there are a surprising number of estate homes, not unlike this one.
The Zane Grey Estate for one.
Whenever I see homes like this, I think of that film from a few years ago that juxtaposed the servants' lives with the lives of the people who lived there... and it was set in the 20s, I believe... and the cinematography was gorgeous with a lot of warming filters on the camera lens...
Am I babbling or does anyone remember what I'm talking about? :-)
I'm looking forward to Debbi's blog, too. I really don't know much about Altadena.
Gosford Park, Laurie? Fine film.
I reserve the right to invade all your turfs. What are you gonna do, invade North Hollywood? Ha!
I do frequent drooling over both Altadena and Pasadena houses, though this one is a bit too stately for me. There are two adjacent properties in Altadena that I'm in love with right now. The houses on them are dinky, but the property... It's like living in the forest.
when i see a beautiful house i imagine what directions i would give people if it were mine. i have about five different homes picked out. i think it would go something like this...."oh yeah come on over...take the 210 west and get off on San Rafael, turn left at the off ramp, make first right and a left on to San Rafael, go straight until you get to the spanish style villa on the left. just give your keys to the guard...oh yeah! my other favorite home is in sonoma california - i plan to win the HGTV home - i haven't figured out the directions yet. happy sunday everyone.
Wow! I wish I could afford to live in the Altadena's.
Petrea... Your said.
if/when I'm rich, people will still like me.
Well you are rich. How do you measure rich? It's not always money. You are rich in your talents which this blog brings out a real richness of your personality.
Gosford Park! Thanks, Vanda!
I'm looking forward to Debbi's blog :)
At first I thought it was the former Finnish Consulate's masion at the Pasadena Museum of History. (I found my way there after our lunch last month.) Did you and Karin ever stroll there? But this one is just as lovely and it's nice that it's nicely inhabited by nice people too, from Nice (OK, I made that one up).
P. - you must see the painting of THE BRIDGE shown on their site if you scroll down to March exhibits.
Debbi's blog is already up. Head on over!
When I said I wouldn't be invading her turf, I don't mean I won't go to Altadena or photograph it, but what I shoot there I probably won't post here. Unless I get something I've just GOTTA put up.
I met Maria tonight! (Hi Maria!) Another member of the blog community I now know in person. We first met in the comments section of Paris Daily Photo, and lo and behold she lives in San Dimas. She started visiting here. Stef, you should meet her, she speaks fabulous français.
I'm tired, must sleep. Or: Je suis fatigué, il faut que je dors.
Tash: it does resemble the Fenyes Mansion, especially the back side of the mansion. I've been there many times (but not with Karin).
I wish I could click on that photo on their site to enlarge it.
WHERE exactly have i been this week? Well I have no answer but I missed the whole jaunt with KB around Alatdena for Pete's sake. I had to g back and catch up. Now I"m really, really jealous that you two got to hike together. I would have loved to join you but I would be be tagging along behind whining. I"ll bet KB could have left me in her dust. But the virtual hike was fun. Oh, and when I"m rich I will be the nicest rich person you ever met.
Can't wait to visit the new blog.
Virginia, you're already the nicest person I ever met. You must be rich!
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