The Altadena Hiker led me through an almost secret neighborhood I'm not sure I could find again, a place so private we ambled down the street completely undisturbed by people, or by traffic of any kind. We finally came across a man sitting near this trailer and asked if he minded if we took some photos. He didn't.
This week we'll finish our hike with the Hiker, then I'll hand over Altadena to Debbi. I'm loathe to give up Altadena! Well, I can still take pictures there (I don't think I could stop!) , I just won't post them here. It is a pretty, pretty place. It's as close to hillbilly country as you can get and still be in LA. And I mean that in a good way.
my first thought was that this was Oscar's trailer in the lemon grove (any Arrested Development fans out there??)
Great photo Petrea.
Kinda nice how they wedged it in between the trees. No wind will be blowing it away.
With my retirement fund like a skinny cow in Pharoah's dream, this could be my retirement home. Is there hi-speed internet in the neighborhood? Have enjoyed your hike Petrea.
Good one, Ben! My thought was Crhis McCandless' place from Into the Wild.
Cool capture, Ms. P.
What a beautiful shot. Love the little caravan and the beautiful sweep of those trees. So much going on in this photograph yet the whole is so wonderfully peaceful.
Ben, I liked that show but didn't watch regularly. Who knows? A lot of Hollywood shooting happens in Altadena...
Vanda, it does look permanently parked.
"Skinny cow in a Pharoah's dream!" Good one, Jill. It's a modern neighborhood with all the amenities. Though when I lived in the area my cell phone was iffy.
Chris would have been safe and snug here, Laurie, yet at least a little connected to the wild.
Jilly, it's run-down and probably drafty, but part of a peaceful whole.
Glad you didn't pass this shot by P. I love that old trailer. What a great hike. Glad you girls let Albert go along. I"m still waiting for his trip to B'ham for a visit.
Albert was a perfect angel on our walk, Virginia. He'd be a charming guest, I'm sure.
and I'm sure virg would have better food.
Be it ever so humble...
Watch what you say about hillbilly country! If I still had my own teeth, I'd give you a peace of my mind! Maybe I'll send my sister/mother of my children over there to tell you what we think of your big-city ways! Now excuse me while I go watch the still ....
watch out for altadenablog. I know that guy and he might gum you to death.
Is Altadena a city??
Or, a country w/o the hillbillies?
I wanted to say it was a place with Mansions.
That is a really small trailer. I wonder if you could stay in bed and still cook dinner?
it appears that they may have been on their merry way and got stuck between the trees and said "oh what the hell.....lets just stay" what a contrast from yesterdays house.
Wonderful idea, Christie! Breakfast in bed!
How cozy.
I recognize the trailer...I hiked past it a few lifetimes ago too. Didn't have a camera with me, let alone a blog to post any pics to at the time.
Am glad you've enjoyed everything from the McMansions to the trailers on trails in Altadena!
Very interesting contrast between yesterday's and today's posts. A different view of suburban California.
I'm about to turn off this addictive contraption for the night, but before I do I must beg to differ with you, dear Trish: there may be McMansions in Altadena but I haven't seen them. The mansions I've seen there are the real thing, oh yeah. Lovely stuff. I suppose I could photograph a McMansion for the blog but...ugh. I think not!
Good night all.
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