Our temperatures have hovered around 98 degrees Fahrenheit for several days now. If you're a Centigrade person, hey! 98 is hot! Tomorrow a ten degree drop is predicted. By Saturday, it's supposed to be 70 degrees with "a few showers." We're talking a 30 degree temperature drop with rain. I've got my umbrella ready but I'm going to need a coat!
There's a term for folks like me: weather wimp.
By the way, it was USElaine who inspired me to post this.
ginab: that's what happens to us illinois expats
Funny you would photograph clouds because last night as I was sitting at a football game, the clouds were amazing and I couldn't stop looking at them. I wanted to take a picture but my batteries died :(
You made me chuckle. I have friends who have a cabin north of Phoenix in an area that is about 15 to 20 degrees cooler than the city. When I go up there, I always need a light jacket in the evening in summer and a heavy jacket in winter and they always call me a whimp!
Clouds and lines...
A weather wimp! Hahaha, I like that expression. My kids always laugh at me when I wear a warm scarf at the slightest hint of cold air.
Yes, isn't it exciting to see clouds again?! And those lovely rain drops at Overdog. Enjoy!
Weather Wimp! I love it! You have made me smile! Enjoy the cooler temps in a few days.
I was so happy to see clouds, I miss them. I have to say that when we do have clouds here, they are amazing in this big blue sky, with the sunset light going through them, the light of the city reflecting under them... I went out Sunday night and did 3 quick paintings on my Iphone, it was so inspiring.
Look at that gorgeous shot, Ms. P! I was out of batteries when I tried to shoot that sky the other day. I love what you captured here.
I'm really ready for that 30 degree temperature drop. The last few days have been brutal, and it's next to impossible to convince my daughter that she really doesn't want to play outside because it's too hot... Ugh...
Weather, schmeather—give me clouds like these: a regatta aloof to our monkey wires. I miss the cumula of the midwest … they heave above the treetops, like ships over green waves, their bellies glossy with heat and sail past on evanescent voyages. All my dreams ride those misty decks—all Magellan's suffering was not so majestic, but like every human triumph evaporated the same. So heroism is heavenly and I live close to the ground. My yard is bound by wires, but I love the stories in the sky the more … I watch the clouds pull their pennants away and die to go with them, but all day they pass without noticing, dumb fleets sailing, sailing and never finding shore.
All those rain dances must have worked! We have the wet up here too - the stuff of dreams, I say. Thanks for the nod, P.
Bernie K...you sure know how to put them words together nicely!!
I think I see Woody Woodpecker...
Beautiful clouds. 70 sounds wonderfully warm!! It hasn't reached 50 here this week, and only once got over 90 this whole summer! I am not a huge fan of cold weather, and there is nothing to look forward to until next May, when it will start to warm up again. (And I just got a hammock to lay in outside!! Maybe it will get warm enough to stay outside for just a few hours yet this year!!)
I'll admit to being annoying when it gets cold. I'm the guy that wears a T-shirt while others are shivering in Parkas, and ask "um... what are you going to do when it get's cold?"
I like Bernie's description of clouds in the Midwest. Even tho severe weather is not fun, I do miss the variety. It was 92 yesterday in Boise, hot for this time of year. Today, tho, clouds came and it cooled down. We had walked to a friend's house under overcast skies and walked home under an umbrella in a gentle rain.
"woodpecker" …
HA! Not the armies of Nebuchadnezzar crossing the plains of Ib? Or Beethoven composing his Moonlight Sonata …?
I was going to say "I saw a horsie and a ducky," but I changed my mind.
When I was a kiddie I wanted to eat clouds.
Oh, who am I kidding, I still do!
Bernie, you are so poetic! Don't you have a blog somewhere?
Dina, if he had one, he would be followed. I think he enjoys just jumping out of the darkness and scaring our pants off.
The Beethoven thought has merit. But so does the horsie. I've looked at clouds from both sides now.
When I lived in So. California I didn't own a winter coat. Those were the days!
They look almost 3d Petrea!
And the cables on the bottom corner adds more interest to the picture.
Gorgeous clouds! And you are not a weather wimp, you're "sensitive." :)
I left a reply to your kind comments at my blog, Petrea.
Ginab expatted to the Dallas area, she knows whereof she speaks. Gina, click on Tanya's blog, she expatted from California to Roanoke!
I've gotten here too late to respond to each comment individually. I will say this: I live in fear that Bernie K. will get his own blog; Bernie, your poetry and snark are part of the attraction here, so don't you do it! Then again, all the comments are the attraction here so please, all of you, keep 'em coming. Elaine: "clouds from both sides now," hee! Kris: "eating clouds," ETC,
For those living in the cold weather and wishing for warm, I know the feeling! It's one reason I moved west. At times I'm nostalgic for cold (Thanksgiving and Christmas, mostly). We do have seasons here. It's cooler in fall, delicious in spring. And if all goes as is should, this winter we'll even have rain.
Oh, the pressure!
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