Friday, March 27, 2015

Best Laid Plans

When Birthday Month began I made a pledge: "I'm going to have a minimum of one adventure each week," I said, "and I'll tell you about my adventures adventure is something I haven't done before."

Today's post is about best laid plans.

For Birthday Week, and I mean for my actual birthday, John had a super, one-of-a-kind adventure planned for me. I was pretty excited.

The day before my birthday, our adventure fell through due to no fault of John's. So we called on friends who helped us plan a good substitute. The adventure that happened, though, was that John and I woke up sick on my birthday.

Okay. It wasn't really an adventure by my definition. I mean, I've been sick before. It wasn't how I wanted to spend my milestone birthday, either, nor was it how I wanted to spend the week. Don't worry, I'm way better now.

What do you do when you commit to something for yourself but your time is committed elsewhere? How do you prioritize yourself? I need to get better at that

As it stands, I will have to have my birthday next week. I promise I'll report back to you.


  1. ~ hands over tissue box ~
    be careful out there

  2. Feel better. May this be an adventure-filled year, with lots of fun.

  3. What a bummer of a way for you to start your 60th year. Make sure you have another adventure soon. As to "What do you do when you commit to something for yourself but your time is committed elsewhere? How do you prioritize yourself?" That's a good question. It's made me realize that I only do the things I really want to do when my husband's away and I'm all alone. Is it like this for most women?

  4. That tissue box is for blowing my nose, not for crying, BD. Thanks! I can use it!

    That's the idea, Jean. Why limit it to a month?

  5. Hopefully you're back in fine form soon enough. I love the shot!

  6. I don't think so, Bellis. John rarely stands in the way of what I want to do. It's more of me standing in the way for reasons I apparently just make up!

    Thank you, William! That's our Sunset Mountain Fire Road, where John and I like to walk when it's not too hot. Not a lot of shade there, but you can't beat the views.

  7. Don't stop with a month -- take a season; take Spring.

  8. Well, two people waking up sick in the same household on the same day sounds like quite an adventure to me. Who took care of whom?! (No photos, please.)

  9. Trust me, I didn't take any!

    We each had different ailments, Ann, so we just muddled through the week. Things are starting to look up, though.

  10. Dang, drat, blast and curses that you and J were under the weather for your birthday. We can just pretend this week is last week - no problem ! I'm happy to hear you're well and truly on the up and up now, dear Petrea.

  11. We got to have some fun today, Shell. I'll tell you about it soon.

  12. Beautiful photo, Petrea. Love the golden shades.

  13. Thank you, José. I think this tree was one of the many casualties of the 2009 Station Fire, which lasted two months and burned 250 square miles of forest. A lot of scrub has grown back but it will be years before the trees can show off again. The orange stuff is called Dodder or Cuscuta, a pretty parasite.


I appreciate your comment. You are a nice person—smart and good looking, too.