Friday, February 6, 2015

Act As If Big Launch!

Stats: have I posted this before?

Update, 2/11/15: I have a venue for the launch! More info soon.


Act As If: Stumbling Through Hollywood with Headshot in Hand is available on Amazon, and will soon be available on Smashwords, Kobo, iBooks, etc.

But I haven't actually launched it yet.

What would be a fun way to launch? Did you like the Camelot Where You Are contest? Should we do something like that this time, or should we try something else? A party? A read-a-thon? All three?

I did a lot of pre-publicity for Camelot & Vine and it was fun. I guess you'd call this launch "post-publicity," but they say there's no such thing as bad publicity, so I'm good with all of it—pre, post and bad.

If you've read either book, please review! Any number of stars is welcome.

By the way (which is what BTW used to mean), this round of the Story Kitchen workshop still has openings. Call the Flintridge Bookstore & Coffeehouse to sign up. (818) 790-0717. Methinks my friend the Oscar-nominated screenwriter will stop in one evening.


  1. Good for you! This will no doubt keep you busy.

  2. I have my work cut out for me, William.

    I wonder where that saying came from? Sewing patterns?

  3. I'm drawing a blank with constructive ideas ~ and non-constructive ones, too. How about 'all three'! Congrats again, Petrea!

  4. I must get to planning: venue, date, etc. I'm not good at this but I like parties, so that's motivation.

  5. It should be a self-sustaining party where we contribute snacks and drinks. I was going to suggest a park, but I think there's no alcohol allowed there.

  6. Good luck as you brainstorm this. You're very creative....

  7. Bellis, I like the self-sustaining idea as this is a no-budget launch.

    Ms M, sometimes the only ideas I have are things that have already been done. Thanks for saying I'm creative.

  8. @Bellis

    that's what paper bags were created for bottoms up

    BTW: congratulations Petrea

  9. Thanks, PA. You may be onto something. Everybody boozing out of paper bags in a public park—sending my book off to a classy start! I like it. I'll put it on my list of possibilities.

  10. Keeping with the alcohol theme, a cocktail gathering sounds attractive. We are rather due for a meet at the So Pas golf thingy.

  11. That we are. And it goes along with the theme of at least one of the essays in the book. Not the golf part, the alcohol part.

  12. The right idea will come along eventually, they always do!


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