Friday, August 29, 2014

Boz Books Biz

This just in: I'll be reading from "Camelot & Vine" Wednesday, September 3rd at 8pm in Selfies, a showcase of self-published LA authors, at Traxx bar in Union Station. This is a fun, casual venue and it's easy to get there. Everyone will read a few minutes of their work. Come find out why best-selling authors are leaving their publishers to hop on the self-publishing bandwagon.

Did I ever tell you that Boz Books is an actual publishing company? Yup. The company pays taxes and everything. And it's about to publish its second book.


Act As If: Stumbling Through Hollywood With Headshot in Hand will be out very soon. I learned from experience with Camelot & Vine not to give an exact date until it's absolutely certain. But soon. I hope to have a coming out party this time so watch this space, you'll be invited.

There's also news for Camelot & Vine. It's now part of both the Amazon Prime and Kindle Unlimited programs, as well as Amazon's Matchbook program where you buy the paperback and get the ebook for 99 cents.

Kindle Unlimited is Amazon's subscription service for readers in the U.S. If you're a member you pay a monthly fee to read as many books as you want from a huge (ebook) library.

Not in the U.S.? Camelot & Vine is also part of the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL) available to Amazon Prime customers in the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, and Japan.
All you have to do is go to my links, or go to your account, and join.

Borrow, read, love, let me know...

photo: The Mystery & Imagination Bookstore in Glendale, CA


  1. I'm looking forward to your coming-out party! I'm so dumb I've only just understood the title (once I read it as a complete sentence). I was going to say that it doesn't look like your study - you're much tidier than that, then I read the credit.

  2. I'm not that much tidier, Bellis. Wish I were!

  3. If I ever started a publishing company, I'd take a leaf from your book and give Ella some prime real estate. I'm so excited about your 2nd book, Petrea ~ woot! Looking forward to hearing more as it unfolds and I'll definitely be adding it to my e-bookshelf.

  4. Thanks, Shell. I'll be running a contest of some sort, so keep your eyes open. In fact, if you have any ideas, let me know.

  5. There's no stopping you now, Petrea!

  6. Boz Books -- what a great name.

  7. Goodness, Dina, I hope you're right.

    Isn't it, Karin? I researched and found this: (which is so not what I'm doing)
    and this
    which is on my list of places to visit. I'm sure the latter knows where "Boz" comes from (not my sweet dog). I wonder about the former?

  8. I've cleared a space beside C&V on the bookshelf, Petrea. Now I'm just going to sit here fidgeting with impatient excitement waiting for Act As If to arrive.

  9. I worked on the set-up all day yesterday. I'm whipping it into shape.

  10. Looking forward to reading your new one! Hope all is going smoothly with the launch.

  11. It is, Ms M. Just like before, every day has a learning curve. But I like that.

  12. You are quite the business maven. Best of luck with everything.

  13. Thanks, Margaret. I'd like to come up with something new so I'm brainstorming.


I appreciate your comment. You are a nice person—smart and good looking, too.