Monday, December 9, 2013

Zen Monday #271


It's Zen Monday, the day when you tell us what the photo's about. I hope you've had your coffee.


  1. Mannequins without heads. I'm surprised that the wussies have not started a movement to restore their heads. (:-0 )

  2. Almost ready -- I just need to put my face on.

  3. This one is easy :).

    They are classy relatives of those headless folk outside the Santa Monica SwapMeet you showed us a couple of weeks ago here -

  4. Most Mondays, I feel frazzled as a chicken (or maybe at least a seasonally appropriate mannequin) with its head cut off...especially before coffee.

  5. Well can you blame Mrs. Claus for losing her head at this time of year? I bet her old man makes her wrap all the gifts, clean out the reindeer stalls, polish the sled...

    Those helpful elves are a myth.

  6. Har. You guys are funny. This stuff was in the kids' section. If I were a kid I think it would freak me out.

  7. everyone is looking at the missing head but all I see is a spoiled child, couldn't they have posed her differently?

    Oh wait, maybe she's angry because of the missing head. Of course with children, that might be boy AND that's why she's angry!

  8. I keep waiting for the headless brat to stamp her feet in indignation because she can't get what she wants. (She isn't old enough to know that "if you try some time, you just might find, you get what you need...") :-)

  9. The missing heads don't both me as much as the ghastly grammar. This is how to gift indeed!

  10. Violet Beauregard done gone scarlet.

  11. Actually, I think her name is Bossy.

  12. Deb, I think that started with "re-gifting," the action one takes when they receive something they don't don't want but it's perfectly nice (let us hope) so they give it to someone else.

    Cliff, either name works for her, I think.


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