Wednesday, November 27, 2013


My favorite shop in Pasadena will close at the end of the year. Penny For Your Thoughts is unusual, eclectic, comfy--like a cushioned chair with a blankie to keep you warm, where you wear your stilettos and a pointy Madonna bra.

Plus coffee and snacks.

Millie, the owner, is more than a merchant. She's a curator. During my recent visit, Millie told me she's on the lookout for a new space. I'll let you know if she finds one. In the meantime, you might want to get over there now and do some holiday shopping at 1365 N. Hill Avenue in Pasadena. Parking is behind the building.

In other news:

Feel free to visit and comment on my guest post at Lost To Books. I'm always looking for new exposure for Camelot & Vine and lately I've been hitting up the book bloggers. They've been lovely.

Speaking of C&V, the eBook is currently priced at $3.99 but it will go up to $5.99 the first of the year. If you've read it and you haven't posted a review, please feel free to do so at the website of your choice (Amazon, Goodreads, Smashwords).

Also, I'll be a volunteer bookseller at two places on Small Business Saturday, this weekend on November 30th. From 11am-1pm I'll be at Vroman's Colorado Blvd. store, and after a lunch break I'll be at Webster's Fine Stationers in Altadena. Come say hi and get your Camelot & Vine signed!


  1. It's sad when places like this close but happy to hear she's looking for a new space. (And now that I'm finally coming up for non-work breath, I am looking forward to getting back to C&V!!)

  2. You've been so busy, Lulu! I'll bet that non-work breath is welcome.

  3. Pity that Penny For Your Thoughts is moving, I love it there, it's like being in someone's living room. But maybe they'll find somewhere else where they'll get plenty of foot traffic? There seem to be empty storefronts on Raymond just north of Colorado though the problem with that, I guess, is the rent.
    Glad you're busy with book promotions! Now's the time to buy Xmas gifts, and what could be better than C&V?

  4. The print of the young woman is just like one that hung in our house when I was a kid. That one had belonged to my grandparents. It's strange seeing her face again after all these years.

  5. I hope Millie finds a good spot, Bellis. She gets that change can be a fine thing.

    Many landlords are raising rents so the current tenants can't stay. Although likely not in this case, some do it as a tax write-off, i.e., "I can't rent the place out so I write off the lost income." I'll bet that's why Bungalow News is still empty five years later.

    Is it the same one, Ms M? We had a picture in our house, a self-portrait my great-grandmother made of herself with pencil. It was so good it looked like a photograph.

  6. I read in the LA Times about all the authors that are going to staff bookstores on Saturday. What a great idea! Wonder what tasks you'll get to do.

  7. Bellis, they asked me who are my favorite authors so they could be sure and have them in stock. They also wanted to know my expertise, as in what section(s) would I want to work in. I'm encouraged to hand-sell my own book as well as my favorites by other authors. So I'll be meeting and greeting and making suggestions, especially in fiction, history and local history.

  8. Oh, I think this is lovely -- what a fabulous idea. I'm so over Amazon -- go Vroman's!

  9. It's so sad what is happening in the western civilization. You can't imagine the gems that have been closing here. It's heartbreaking.

  10. I'm into hats, all types, designs, sizes...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Birdman, I'll bet hats look good on you!

    JM, I tell myself these things go in cycles, and time will favor us again. I tell myself change always happens. But I see the rich becoming unbelievably rich and the middle class disappearing. The poor are unbearably poor. Where is conscience?

    Hiker, come by today and buy a book by a local author! Have you read all of Michelle Huneven's books? I'm a big fan.

  13. Hope you had a great Saturday with your books!

  14. Thanks, Des, it was a great day and I'm worn out today!

  15. You are so good at this stuff. I hope you are selling lots of books.

  16. Margaret, I'm finding that it takes time and, more than anything, persistence. Plus I really do enjoy meeting people, and since I know I can't make their choices for them, meeting them is all I have to do.

  17. I'm just glad she's planning on relocating!!! Sounds like a sweet spot!!!


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