Monday, October 7, 2013

Zen Monday #262

Is this your first Zen Monday? It's the day you tell us what the photo's about, rather than me telling you.


  1. oh, oh, who knocked the flag and pot down? lol....hmmmm.

  2. The proud flag jumped off the roof when it learned that it was being furloughed.

  3. Hope it was the wind that displaced the flag and little pot. I love the lace curtains and the shiny pan. It's a nice window.

  4. due to furloughs and budget constraints, the bottom 3 feet of the house was sold to the Chinese.

    Obviously, Congress tipped the pot, stole the plant and knocked over the US flag on their way to pillaging other villages. (now if they'd just sell the village idiots to the Chinese, we'd be set!)

  5. Sheeesh!!! I'm so glad I already finished my tea!!! LOL Trish!!!

  6. The US government shut down left the American Embassy looking a little quiet today....

  7. You all are a hoot! Deb, that would be a sorry-looking American Embassy, wouldn't it?

  8. Looks like a tea-partier got too close to the edge, fell, and lost his crown on the way down (along with the flag).

    Or maybe he was pushed...

  9. Yay, Trish!
    It looks like the US Garden Squad's invasion of the kitchen was going pretty much to plan until they were repulsed by an unforeseen window.

  10. I think the Tea Partier dropped that flag, Ms M. Or maybe threw it down and stomped on it.

    Gotta keep those windows dirty, Dive. No one ever bumps into mine.

  11. You're welcome all. I'm here all week to share my observations.

    Now if Congress would get off their butts and get something done, I'd be a happier camper.

    Oh who am I kidding, I've got a better chance at running a sub 10sec 100 yard dash than Congress getting their crap together anytime soon!

  12. I got nothing. But I still owe you lunch.

  13. I gave it a few days and I still got nuthin. Except maybe that I like brick.


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