A little over a year ago, John and I planted a plum tree in the back yard. Soon it flowered, and before we knew it we had two plums hanging from the branches. I thought that was pretty good for a brand new tree.
I watched the plums grow from little green balls to more purplish, more plum-ish.
Then one day, the plums were gone. Remnants of their carcasses lay on the ground at the foot of the tree. Birds? Squirrels? I don't know.
But it's not going to happen this year.
watch for bees
one year my Mom came over and ate the only apricot we've had in two years.
Hope the crows don't sharpen their beaks!...
Gorgeous first photo!
We gave up on our plum tree--
squirrels and shade defeated it.
If you should ever have a bumper crop, Barry's quite skilled at making plum wine.
I'd never forget such a deed, BD.
We have lots of bees. They don't have any trouble getting through the netting.
KBF, I hope so, too.
Desiree, I won't forget that. It looks like this year's crop is a couple of dozen. Not bumper, but maybe next year.
My plums disappear too. In 13 years, I've never tasted one before the squirrels get there. Your netting better be squirrel proof. How about training Boz to guard the tree? Even better, how about convincing yourself that you like feeding the local squirrels and, anyway, you prefer the plums at the Farmer's Market?
Sorry. Our squirrels get fat on our oranges, and on the avocados next door. They'll have to fight me for those plums.
Between the squirrels and Albert, I've pretty much given up on ever getting apples. And you know what's strange -- every day I see Albert having an avocado for lunch, and I have no idea where he gets them. I have the trees, but I don't see any avos.
No idea what sabotaged the plums but I must say that those blossoms are beautiful. Lovely photo.
Albert may be more of a genius than we've given him credit for, Karin.
Lauren, when the tree gets too big I won't be able to get up there and cover it. But I hope it gets those blossoms every year.
I think those plums are going to taste pretty special!
I don't want to be discouraging, but my squirrels reach through the netting and pull the fruit close enough to eat it (or at least enough of it to spoil the fruit for the rest of us). I haven't had a persimmon in two years, so this year, I'm damn well going to trap the squirrels!
has anyone tried putting peanuts out for the squirrels to distract them? I may do it this year because I'd love to eat a few of my plums and persimmons for a change.
Albert may indeed be very smart as you say, Petrea. I wonder if he's got the raccoons to bring him avos from other gardens? Maybe he's running a protection racket?
Ohhhh....fresh fruit off the tree!!! Nothing better!!!
When I was a kid we had a very prolific and fabulous plum tree...the plum fruit was quite red when ripe...I have NEVER had a plum even close to as good as those were!!! I hope yours are fabulous!!! And that you get them before the squirrels!!!
Karin, may I please borrow Albert?
What a sad story. I was rooting for you and your plums.
We had ants and bees destroy our apricots one year. I'm sure the bees were after the ants
We had a squirrel that loved tomatoes and cucumbers
Lovely photos, Petrea. Here in Serbia plums are THE fruit. See some right here.
Sorry about my silence. Traveling again.
Lovely photo of the blossoms! Good luck with the squirrels; such wily, little characters!
One year I put out 4 small pumpkins on the front stoop around Halloween. All 4 were eaten. The remains of one of them was left on the roof.
I haven't lost the battle yet, Margaret.
BD, maybe I should leave out tomatoes and cucumbers to keep them away from the plums.
Thanks, Bibi. Click Bibi's link for some pretty shots of plums.
Ms. M, that made me laugh!
Good luck in your Mission to Resist the Squirrel! May the force be with you.
I wish I had a pet falcon to take out my gophers; he'd eat handsomely. Luckily for me, though, being right here on the edge of the canyon, the hawks are a big help against squirrels.
We have hawks in our 'hood, too. I love the "scree" sound they make. I don't know what they eat around here because the squirrel population is flourishing, though rats and mice are at a minimum.
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