Act As If

Act As If: Stumbling Through Hollywood With Headshot in Hand is here! It's my new book about the life of a journeyman actor in Hollywood, and it's (mostly) funny.

"On July 21, 2004, Petrea Burchard's first article appeared in Actors Ink. It was titled, Flashy Fish. In it she said, "Hollywood is full of the prettiest, smartest, funniest and most talented people from every graduating class in every high school in every home town. It's one huge pond and all the fish are flashy." From there she went on to create a darkly funny list of ways to make it in Hollywood, thus beginning a wonderful streak of 100 articles, all of them finely written with Petrea's wry, dry, dark humor balanced by a penetrating look at the truth of what it means to be an actor in Hollywood." 
            Richard Gilbert-Hill, Editor, Actors Ink emag

Here's some praise for Act As If, just in case you're on the fence:

What impresses me the most, aside from her writing talent, is that Ms. Burchard dares to share her experiences as an actor, warts and all. And, in spite of battling her "Ogre of Fear," I'm left at the end, in awe of her bravery, vulnerability, and just plain moxie. A must read for anyone interested in the acting profession, or in the concept of a life lived well, not perfectly.
            Edna T., on

These fun, humorous and insightful essays give a behind-the-scenes look into the life of a working actor in Los Angeles. But what makes these memorable stories linger long after you've read them is the sincere and vulnerable way in which they're told. Whether or not you're an actor, this courageous collection is a warm and caring guidebook for embracing our universal need for creative expression.
           Linda Peters, on

[Burchard’s] funny, painful riffs on the realities of this business help us all realize we're not alone/or insane! She doesn't dish out the all too typical "actor advice" pablum, but provides insightful, great pieces—whether it's a tribute to what it takes to survive as in You Persevere, some home truths about attitude such as Desperation Stinks or the greatly moving Interesting Lives. This is a very worthwhile, funny read.
            Jane Macfie, actor—The Mindy Project, House of Lies, Wedding Band

…all graduating MFA students who want to make a living in "The Biz" should be handed this book with their diploma, to give them a realistic view of the business they want to pursue. It's an honest, practical and remarkably uncynical look at the job of being an actor.
            Rick Hall, actor—Good Luck Charlie, 24, Curb Your Enthusiasm

This book is a must for anyone thinking of taking Hollywood by storm. Petrea can point out common pitfalls while throwing in a dash of empowerment. It's your life, your career. Keep your eyes open and be sure to have this book on your nightstand.
            Liz Hanley (aka “Blanche”), Theatrical Agent, Bicoastal Talent

I felt like I had a friend after reading this, someone who knows and expresses so eloquently the ups and downs and striving that an actor goes through on their artistic and career journey. It’s a delight, it’s fun, it’s comforting, and it’s real. Give it as a gift to yourself, or a fellow actor. Her sense of humor about the business and lifestyle of being an actor is perfect.
            Fran Montano, Artistic Director, The Actors Workout Studio


  1. Great to know about the tabs as I wouldn't have noticed. On my iPod Touch there's a very small down arrow that brings up the tabs. Looking forward to reading your new book, although my acting career began and ended in the 6th grade (non-speaking role of lead monkey in The Wizard of Oz). Sounds like a must-read for anyone looking for honest advice.

  2. I would have loved to have seen you as the monkey.

    I think of "Act As If" not so much as advice, but as commiseration.


I appreciate your comment. You are a nice person—smart and good looking, too.