How often does my book get its picture taken with celebrities?
The Reiyukai Creative Recycling display was particularly striking. Their table was busy all evening, with kids making beautiful boxes and decorations out of milk cartons. They teach workshops! Contact them here.
Throughout the evening Terry Bailey was creating interactive books on her iPod with art and music along with the words. When Terry comes to your book group she brings her iPod and plays the book's music for you.
I'm constantly amazed by the high quality and sheer number of programs offered by our library system. Adults, kids, teens, Shakespeare lovers, manga lovers, you name it. I highly recommend you subscribe to their monthly newsletter and enjoy the free amazingness our libraries have to offer.
Love the top photo. I'm hoping you'll now do a Dr. Seuss-style version of Camelot and Vine fr children?
I didn't know which ArtNight activity to go to so I flunked out and stayed at home. Seeing your photos makes me regret not choosing the library. It's a wonderful place in so many ways. I love them for providing me with free audiobooks to listen to on my smartphone. I've been through several technologies when borrowing books from the library, all in the last 10 years. First printed books, then books on tape, then books on CD, and now books online.
It sounds quite similar to the Nuit Blanche concept here.
It really was great, Bellis. I didn't have a chance to see everything, but the Library had enough to keep people busy all evening and I've heard great reports about the other venues as well.
William, I'm going to have to attend a Nuit Blanche!
Looks great. I'm sorry I couldn't make it
Next time, Margaret.
Great publicity shot for your book, glad it all went very well!
Thanks, Geoff! I couldn't find King Arthur at the library to pose with my book. Dr. Seuss' readers probably won't appreciate it! But I do love this picture.
Didn't make the event but I did just finish reading your book review. Curious, how many books would you estimate you read in a months time?
I'm not a fast reader, PA, but I read every day. So, depending on the length and complexity of the book, I'd say 2-3 per month on average.
That looks like a lot of fun!
It was. And as you might guess, we had the early crowd (kids) and a later crowd (fewer kids). But the costumed library employees were there all evening, each of them dedicated and smiling.
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