Act As If: Stumbling Though Hollywood With Headshot in Hand
is my book of essays about the life of a journeyman actor in Hollywood,
a life I lived for twenty years. It's not easy work, but it's hilarious
if you bring your attitude.
The book comes out in August. In celebration, Wilma shows us how to Act As If.

Here's Wilma with John, acting as if she's dangerous.
Here's Wilma with her bunny, acting as if she's a big time squirrel hunter. (I'm sorry, Bunny.)
Here's Wilma, acting like she owns everything in the house. She doesn't.
(Photo by John Sandel. Raised bowls thanks to Bellis.)
(Photo by John Sandel. Raised bowls thanks to Bellis.)
Here's Wilma with John again, acting like—actually, she's not acting here. She's being herself.
I discuss these techniques and more in Act As If, and I give each topic all the gravitas or hilarity (or both) it deserves. Wilma is a very good actor.
Cute pics of a happy dog, almost as good as a cute kitten. (well, I am a cat person)
This post helps us get to know Wilma.
The picture with the slippers is so funny.
That look in her eyes (second pic) says it all!. :-) is it the look of dread that most have when pics are taken of us? or is it the slippers... she is gorgeous!
Boy, is she a sweetie!
Another book! Congratulations. You're prolific!!
Cat people are welcome here, BD.
John took the one with the slippers, Dina.
KBF, I think it's the look of "Why are you sitting on the ground and what is that thing you're pointing at me?"
She is, William. We are fortunate.
-K-, thanks for noticing! Though I admit I'm slipping in my advertising under the Wilma radar.
WILMA, you're home!
You bet she is, Hiker.
'what big shoes you have grandma'…. that's my favorite photo.
Congratulations on the new book! How does Wilma carry her headshot around? John's really bonded with her, and she's got him well trained already.
PA, John tells the tale of sneaking past her to get the camera. She was suspicious.
Bellis, that's the truth. As for her headshot, I guess she can carry it in her knapsack.
Wilma is acting as if she has found a loving home forever with you and John.
An, when you become an expert at Acting as If, as Wilma is, then how you act becomes true.
Whenever the name Wilma is mentioned it always reminds me of the Flintstones. Looks like she has comfortably moved into the house. Congrats on completing your latest (don't you like the sound of 'your latest') book. I look forward to perusing its wealth.
Eric, our super sleuth methods told us Wilma had had her name all or most of her life, so we decided to keep it for her sake. It wasn't our first choice for a name, but we're getting used to it and she answers to it.
I do like hearing "your latest book!"
W-i-l---ma!!! Can't wait to meet Miss Wilma!!!
By the time you meet her, Chieftess, she might be ready for a play date.
She is a natural. I guess she's had lots of acting lessons.
It's hard to tell with a rescue dog, Margaret, but I believe she studied at Pooilliard.
It seems Wilma will have a brilliant career on acting! :-) Good luck with your book, Petrea, and thanks for the little library link.
What a delight to see. Happy family! Wonderful!!
What a delight to see. Happy family! Wonderful!!
Thanks, José. I thought the link might interest you. It's people sharing, when governments no longer fund libraries properly. I loved your photo.
Lauren, you've got it right. Wilma makes us feel like a family.
Such fun photos! Who knew Wilma was into wearing slippers?
And exciting about your new book!
Wilma's needs are simple, Ms M, so we allow her the occasional indulgence.
Excellent about your upcoming book! Looking forward to hearing more about it soon. Love all the great photos of Wilma! She looks to have found her true home. She does seem a bit reluctant to be photographed in her house slippers though. Classic!
That was a candid shot, Katie. You know, like Lady Gaga without makeup.
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