Monday, December 16, 2013

Zen Monday #272

Hello, and welcome to Zen Monday. This is the day when you tell us what the photo's about, rather than me telling you.

Ah, December in southern California.


Bellis said...

Ouch, that's a bright building. Good thing those hipsters are wearing shades.

Bellis said...

Just noticed something - I think you may have the first photo ever of Banksy. Caught in the act too!

Petrea Burchard said...


Anonymous said...

I can't top Bellis.

Desiree said...

Ooh aah, love the bright contrast

dive said...

Bellis, your Banksy joke made me make that embarrassing snorting noise. Many thanks.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Parking in rear? kind of racy

Petrea Burchard said...

I didn't even see Banksy until I put the picture up on the computer screen. He's already been photographed, though. I wasn't the first:


Ooh, I like the yellows! Very cheering and very Southern California somehow:)

Petrea Burchard said...

This is one of my "stopped in traffic" shots. The guy leaning against the building, facing us, is a model and this is a fashion shoot. Cahuenga at Melrose.

Bellis said...

Banksy looks so ordinary in that photo. I imagined a young grungy guy with dreadlocks. No wonder he gets away with his guerilla art, no-one would notice him.

Ms M said...

Good one, Bellis. :)
Interesting shot; could lead to a story.
And a bright yellow building!

Trish said...

If you're not blinded by the building (or the incredible beauty of the models, ; and you manage to get by the guy holding what I can only describe as what looks like the marital aid my British former mother-in-law gave me when I got married and said "try this to help you get thru the tough times dearie"; and you make it past the dueling ladders, you *might* have a chance of parking it in the rear.

Trish said...

humnn. after "...models" it was supposed to say " (cough cough, this IS LA);

Unknown said...

What a very eye-catching building!

Petrea Burchard said...

This is one of the things to love about Hollywood.

Katie said...

Fun photo! I like the guy on the left who matches the building.

Petrea Burchard said...

I wonder how he managed that.

There's so much going on here that I didn't notice when I snapped the picture. Yellow. Photo shoot. Snap.

Bob Crowe said...

What's an eye-burning, quasi Art Deco pawn shop doing in a nice place like metro LA?

Petrea Burchard said...

Really, Bob. Of all places

TheChieftess said...

Definitely eye-popping!!!