Thursday, December 19, 2013


Here's a bit of contrast from Zen Monday. We've had real, actual, pouring rain today, with one good crack of lightning and thunder. Just one. I miss the big, Midwestern storms of my youth. They were as big as they were supposed to be.

This is a good evening for cuddling up with your book, your blanket and your hot toddy, however you choose to make it. I might opt out of the honey and just pour some whiskey in my tea.

I'll sit by the window and sip, hoping for another flash of lightning.



We've had several heavy snowfalls so a hot toddy and cozy night sound just the ticket, Petrea. Enjoy yours, stay dry and warm!

Ms M said...

There's nothing quite like those midwestern storms. Rain is welcome.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Lulu, I will. I miss snow, too, but not the cold!

Ms M, you are so right about the rain.

The last time John and I were in Illinois we were caught in one of those storms. We pulled under an overpass and watched. Glory of clouds, moving at speed, lightning and pounding thunder.

Dina said...

Good luck, I hope you get all the lightning you were missing, Petrea.

I found the thunder storms and tornado warnings terrifying in my years in Arkansas. Well, I guess that's because my Ranch work was almost all outdoors and mostly solitary.
As you say, if you can take advantage of a storm to stay in and warm up and cuddle, that's a different story.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

The rain skipped my side of Cali.. I love that window.. looks like a puzzle..

Petrea Burchard said...

I never feared thunderstorms, Dina. But one would be a fool not to fear a tornado.

KBF, it would make a fun puzzle!

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a beautiful window's picture, Petrea!
I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.

TheChieftess said...

I'm rather partial to Jameson's and lemon...maybe a dash of honey...
I was down in Glendale on Thursday doing a mad dash of Christmas shopping...loved the rain...I miss the sound of rain...snow is a whole different experience...truly sounds of silence!!!

Love the photo!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

I hope you didn't have to drive all the way home in it, Chieftess. It was really coming down.

Susan Campisi said...

Very cool photo! Next time it rains I'm making myself a hot toddy.

Dina said...

But I was outside in the pouring rain near a big puddle in sandals when ear-splitting thunder crashed overhead. My feet started tingling from the nearby strike of lightning.
Since then I prefer to watch storms from a place of good shelter.

Petrea Burchard said...

Me too, Susan.

Dina, that's too close!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photo. Glad I didn't miss it.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks for stopping by, JM.