Monday, October 29, 2012

Zen Monday: #218

Some out-of-Pasadena (though not out-of California) Zen today.

Kids and dogs, people, kids and dogs.

The winner of last Week's Camelot Where You Are contest is Susan, with her Wednesday rendition of #24, the Camelot Preschool (click the link or just scroll down to view). Congratulations, Susan! And thank you all for your entries. Susan wins a free copy of my new novel, Camelot & Vine, which, believe it or not, really will be published in the not-too-distant future. It's not happening as fast as I'd hoped, but it's happening.

Here are the stats. (Kids and dogs, I'm telling you.)

Currently, I have two more contest entries. I'm holding onto them until I get two more so we''ll have some competition. If we don't get two more, we'll have a run-off. One is from my New Zealander friend who lives in Germany and took the photo in New Hampshire. The other is a charmer from a blogger the Chieftess found. If you haven't sent in your entry, the details are here.


  1. Does the lit end go inside or outside the ear?

  2. I'm a pushover for 4 legged beings!.
    :-) YAY! TOMMY!.

  3. This gives a whole new meaning to earwax.

    Congratulations Susan!

  4. I had to look up "ear candles" on the interweb.
    Nice dress, though.

  5. Woohoo! Thanks to everyone who voted for Tommy. I guess I'm not the only one who finds him irresistible. And thank you, P, for the fun C&V contest. I can't wait to read the book.

    As for Zen Monday, I'm with Dive: Ew.

  6. I call this one, "I'm leaving you, Mildred."

  7. Where is this? On the east side of Mulholland and the freeway -- near the skirball center somewhere?

  8. Central California, near Sequoia National Park. A place called Three Rivers.

  9. 'ear candle'? hmmm. maybe that's where they saying " your ears must of been burning' comes from? :-)

  10. Humnn, the gal at Whole Foods told me ear candles were banned in CA...coulda used one a few weeks ago.

    Florence hated Steve's truck so she slyly put up the ear candle sign to find other women like her, stuck in a marriage to a truck loving guy like Steve, without shoes but a funky looking shoe rack to store them, on the side of Tujunga Canyon...

  11. Cute dress. Congrats Susan and Tommy!

  12. Good for Susan and Tommy!

    Hmmmm--I don't know that I'd be buying ear candles or any other kind of candles out of the back of a pickup. I wonder if they sell homemade neti pots, too?

    The dress is kind of cute tho.

  13. In Lapland, young girls wear glowing ear candles on St. Lucia's day, to outdo those Swedish girls with candles on their head.

  14. Ear candles are weird. They are just weird. But if you've ever had your ears cleaned by an ear doctor (is that the otolaryngologist, or did I make that up?), it's a very nice feeling, and if I remember correctly, it doesn't involve fire.

  15. I went to Las Vegas and didn't take a picture of Excalibur or the Knights! I did find a knight on horseback on top of a couple of drawers and two suits of armor. The best Camelot I found was on a map. The switchbacks looked like a crown!

  16. I was speechless, until i saw your comment that it was Three Rivers. Now, although still speechless, I'm just not surprised. Such an interesting little place. BTW, you are right about otolaryngologist. The name AND the awesome feeling of having your ears cleaned. But not with fire. Never, never with fire...

    BIG Congrats to Susan and Tommy!!!


I appreciate your comment. You are a nice person—smart and good looking, too.