Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Be Afraid

Happy Halloween. Get scared but not too scared. Have fun. And if I come trick-or-treating at your house, please don't give me any candy. Just admire my costume and send me home.

(Scary guest photographer John Sandel says, "ooga-booga marriage.")


  1. VERY haunting... Happy Halloween!

  2. That's all well and good, Petrea, but hurry on back to our rooftop party as soon as you can. Happy Halloween to you, J and Boz!

  3. What a great silhouette and yes, very scary- till I saw your slippered feet.. which adds just the right amount of humor and lessens the scare.. :-)

  4. Happy Halloween. Luckily, I have no candy, but I do admire your costume!

  5. This one's all about John's eye and what he saw. The slippers couldn't be helped.

    Adele, you had better get some candy, and fast! The hordes are coming tonight!

  6. Caramel apples good, apples bad! And home-made popcorn balls!

    Adults should maybe arrange a kind of grown-up version of T-or-T. One year, I went trick-or-treating with my brother and sister-in-law. One astute gentleman dropped a bottle of ale into my sack. Somebody else gave pretzels. And then there was a party we went to.

  7. The slope of those shoulders appear eerily familiar---

  8. nice darkness,am following,don't look over sholder,pls check or blog http/

  9. I like your adult trick-or-treat idea, Speedway. We get a lot of grown-ups around here just trying to get some candy, and I'm honestly not crazy about that.

    Ooops! Shoulders back, Des, as my mother said.

    Um, delete?

  10. Happy Halloween, Petrea. The slippers are definitely the scariest part.
    "Mummy, the lady with the slippers is outside on the sidewalk again and I'm frightened."

  11. I shouldn't wear those things in public. They are terrifying.

  12. Happy Halloween, Petrea! If you are trick-or-treating at our house, you better hurry is getting late...ha ha!!!

  13. Terrifying? Do they have ears and little faces with googly eyes? The slippers may be scary, but I'll defend you from detractors. Years ago, I worked in a store with cement floors. After a while my feet hurt so bad I couldn't walk barefoot in my own house. The only thing I could stand was a pair of yellow chenille ballet slippers. I wore those suckers until they became so tatty holes wore through the fabric. If you have iffy feet, those little shoes may make the whole other part of the day tolerable.

  14. LOL, thank goodness the earth is round.

    Speedway, you have me pegged, iffy feet and all.

  15. Frightfully delightful Halloween photo, slippers and all~

    Maybe someone will drop a bottle of Shiraz in your sack :-)

  16. Ha! You're a funny ooga-booga married couple. Happy Halloween to you both - and Boz, of course.

  17. Spooky! I really like John's photo; great composition and light (or lack thereof). If you trick-or-treat at my place you'll get salted peanuts, veggies or red wine. No kids come by so I don't have any candy. But tomorrow is 75% Off Halloween Candy Day!

  18. Would love some wine right now! We are out of candy so we turned off the lights at the front of the house and now we're hiding in the kitchen with our laptops. It's quite pleasant, actually. We scooted snoozing Boz in here, on his little pallet under his cozy towel, and he snores away while we socially network together and with our cyber friends. Happy Halloween.

  19. Reminds me of "The Omen." It's that illuminated cross you're standing in. Very, very scarey. We hid in the back of the house while the sugar-fixed teenaged hordes roamed the street. The dog next door barked her head off for hours. But I love the little kiddies that come round. It's not a tradition I grew up with in Germany. Instead, in October, we went round the streets with candle-lit paper lanterns that looked like the moon or the sun, singing a little song that I still love all these years later.

  20. And now we know why Germany lost the war.

  21. Oh Petrea, I don't know whether to take those rays radiating from you as light or as a cross.

  22. I am creepy, Ann.

    It sounds lovely, Bellis, and much healthier than sugar. To hear John tell it, it was sugar-crazed teenagers who won the war.

    Dina, you know me, I'm not religious. It's just plain old light. But light is a wonderful thing.

  23. "and all the children would run as fast as they could to be near a strong grown up when they heard the 'shluff, shluff, shluff' of her slippers drawing near".

  24. I remember a time in Israel when the young people went through a phase of wearing houseslippers, the warm kind with a zipper, out on the street.

    Back to your photo: May you always radiate light and may you never have a heavy cross to bear.

  25. We had the same style here, Dina.

    Thank you, I accept your lovely good wishes.


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