Saturday, August 18, 2012

Arms Down

I like warm weather.

I'll rephrase that. I like hot weather.

What I don't like is being stinky. I hope you don't mind my saying. John says nobody can smell me but me, but that's bad enough. And yes, I use deodorant, but no amount of ...

I probably shouldn't be talking about this.

How's your summer going? Getting ready for school? Some people are starting up again next week and it seems too soon, don't you think?


Adele said...

As the "some people," I can say it's definitely too soon. Also, if you are stinky, you are the only one who knows it. I can speak for, oh, about the last 4 hours or so.

Shell Sherree said...

I'm so 'over' winter, I look forward to wondering about such things, Petrea.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

The heat I don't mind, its the humidity we have this year.. very unusual for our area... and it would be nice if it cooled down at night.. No fun in the early hours when you go outside and don't feel a drop in temp from the inside of the house.

dive said...

Fab photo, Petrea.
Over here in Blighty it's the hottest day of the year and the humidity sucks your soul straight down to hell.
I'm dividing my time between the cold shower and the air conditioner and praying for Autumn.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Adele. Let me know when you're going to post about the play and I'll link to you!

I don't blame you, Shell. I much prefer summer, myself.

KBF, as I'm from the Midwest, I'm not as fine-tuned to humidity as native Californians are. I just checked the web and we have 71% humidity in Pasadena this morning--admittedly high for us--but when it's 95 degrees out and the humidity is 95%, you are talkin' misery.

Dive can probably tell us about that.

Bellis said...

If you want stinky, try the crowded London underground on a summer's day. I thought deodorants were cheap and widely available, but I guess not. I can't believe some poor kids are back at school in the middle of summer. Or that Pier 1 and Pottery Barn Kids are stocked with Halloween decorations and costumes. I backed right out because I couldn't cope with black and orange colors in the middle of August. Are they committing commercial suicide?

Susan Campisi said...

Such an interesting photo. My coworker's kid started kindergarten last week. How can school start in the middle of August?! Bellis, at that rate next week these stores will have Christmas decorations.

Katie said...

My concept of summer has changed drastically since moving to Berkeley 9 years ago. In July and August there's usually morning and evening fog and temps in the 50s, with daytime sun and moderate temps. Summer to me is now September and October, when the fog disappears and the warm weather returns. I love seeing back-to-school ads as that means it's almost my summer and time for parties, visitors and travel.

Petrea Burchard said...

I've always thought August was too early for school, Bellis. September is when school should start. And thanks for warning me not to visit Pottery Barn or Pier 1! I don't know about commercial suicide, maybe you and I are old fashioned.

Of course that means the stuff we can use right now is probably on sale.

No kidding, Susan, we'll be able to get our Halloween stuff at half price by mid-September.

Katie, that sounds heavenly.

dive said...

Bellis is right. Even the strongest deodorants don't stand a chance against the London Underground. A full on Turkish bath is dry and refreshing in comparison. You have to keep good clothes at work and at home and wear cheap stuff for the commute (and shower several times a day in the summer) because the Underground trashes clothes more efficiently than stomping on them and setting them on fire. I don't miss it at all.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Heat is like a prison to me

Margaret said...

It is a bit too hot for me, but no complaints. I do worry about my car though, It is old and in the heat it starts to overheat unless I turn off the air conditioning.

Petrea Burchard said...

I've been on the London Underground in hot, humid summer. Yes, it stunk. Yes, I loved London anyway.

PA, that's how I feel about cold. I understand.

Margaret, you remind me of a harrowing story my friend told about having to drive across the desert in summer with the heater on.

Laura M said...

Waaay to early. The A/C is sure to go kaput in the classrooms that have it. It's too hot for the kids to go outside on the asphalt tha holds the heat because it's black and reflects the heat because it's hardscape. The temp is measured "in the shade" so it must be a killer for these kids to even walk to the car after school.

All this is so kids can get a jump on standardized tests, instead of reforming the testing process in the first place.

Bellis said...

Laura, you are so right. But the summer break is a bit too long. Why can't it run from July to the end of August, the way it does in Europe? Oh, I know, it's because children were once needed to help on the farm. (Even in England, there's still a week off in October for children to pick potatoes). As most of us live in cities nowadays, it seems odd to stick to a farming calendar.

Petrea Burchard said...

The summer break is not too long! I remember how my heart ached when school started. Summer is never long enough.