Friday, March 23, 2012


Today is mine. I get to have it.

Most days we pitch in, assist, participate, help out, work hard, share responsibilities. But today is not most days, and everyone deserves to have a day that is not most days.


John Sandel said...

Happy birthday, my love. Today is all yours. We'll begin with the aromas of muffins & manure …

Dina said...

Birthday blessings to you, dear Petrea! Seize the day. And may you feel as fluffy and light as those beautiful dandelions.

Lude said...

Well Petrea we don't really know each other, but I still think of you as a friend! A bit silly maybe, but I don't think so; I'm sure you're someone it feels good to be friends with and I'm looking forward to the day we will meet in person!
In the meantime, a very happy birth(your)day to you!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Enjoy YOUR day!.. Next Friday will be my middle one's b'day she will be 28....same as you!. :-)

Anonymous said...

gina b:

Happy Bday TWTR. Love you

Sahildeki Ev said...

Happy birthday dear Petrea..

Petrea Burchard said...

So much for being cryptic!
Thank you, it's nice to see you all here. J and I have some fun planned today and I'm looking forward to it. Off we go!

BaysideLife said...

Enjoy. And a very Happy Birthday to you.

Petrea Burchard said...

I hope it's not too cold out for the manure.

Petrea Burchard said...

I do feel fluffy, Dina, thank you. It's a very good start.

Petrea Burchard said...

I think of you as a friend, too, Eric. I hope the day we meet in person will be a day in Paris, but I won't be picky. The sooner the better, my friend.

Petrea Burchard said...

You're absolutely right, Kalei, I've been 28.

Petrea Burchard said...

Gina, if I had the time I'd tell everyone here their pirate names. Tweeter is "Black Tide McShark."

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you, Aysegul!

Petrea Burchard said...

Thanks, Bayside!

Denise said...

Happy happy happy!! And Orion turned 22 yesterday, but we're celebrating today. So we'll be having a double birthday party on 2 separate coasts.

Petrea Burchard said...

Happy! Double party, I'm all for that. Please tell Orion happy birthday for me.
Hmm. Orion doesn't post his birthday on Facebook. Smart guy.

Bellis said...

Eric's right: you're someone it feels good to be friends with. Sounds like you have something good planned and I hope it's not manuring the garden! May the dandelion clock stops its countdown for the whole day.

Those are lovely photos - where did you find a field of dandelions that haves been allowed to flower and seed? If they weren't so ubiquitous, we'd be planting dandelions as treasured garden flowers.

Bellis said...

Oh darn, I left a typo. Haven't found my glasses yet this morning.

Petrea Burchard said...

Bellis, we planned on breakfast at the track but I fear it's too cold. We'd better decide soon if we're going to make it today. Maybe this time we'll try someplace where we can sit indoors.

Eric is also someone it feels good to be friends with, by the way. He is the founder if the City Daily Photo blogging phenomenon and it's an honor to have his comment here on Pasadena Daily Photo. He's a lovely man, a friendly Parisian ("yes, it does exist!") and I encourage you all to visit Paris through his eyes. I'm forever grateful to him.

Perhaps I should let the field of dandelions remain a secret.

Katie said...

Have a fabulous "not like most days" Birthday Petrea! You deserve it (although I hope you don't think you only deserve it once a year). Love the dandelion photos -- thanks for giving us a present today!

Petrea Burchard said...

We all deserve it every day, but we must demand it at least once a year!

TheChieftess said...

Happy Birthday dear friend!!! Go out and have a marvelous day!!!

Speedway said...

Happy birthday, Petrea. I hope the aromas of both muffin and meadow muffins are to you liking this morning! It may be a bit chilly for people, but the horses will love it, so you should get some wonderful pictures.

Have a great day!

Petrea Burchard said...

We went out, we're back, we're going out again. Having fun!

Petrea Burchard said...

It turned out to be too cold (for me) to go to the track. We tried another spot and if the photos turn out I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

John Sandel said...

We can have manure delivered. After all, it's your birthday.

Shell Sherree said...

Happy birthday, dear Petrea! It sounds like you're having a marvellous time, and those fluffy dandelions have certainly made my day all the lovelier... just as knowing you has made my life all the lovelier.

Petrea Burchard said...

Thank you, sweetie. It's sweet to know you'll deny me nothing.

Petrea Burchard said...

Shell, that's such a lovely birthday message. Thank you. It's been a beautiful day.

Ms M said...

Happy birthday! And it sounds like your day has been splendid! Looking forward to seeing your photos from today's "adventure". And what special treats did you have today? (other than manure delivery ;) )

Susan Campisi said...

Happy birthday, Petrea! I wonder if you went to Cafe Verde, my favorite Pasadena breakfast spot - their French toast is divine. I hope you indulged in something equally fabulous. Glad to hear you had a beautiful day. Much deserved, always deserved.

Linda said...

Quite right. Birthdays are precious. And March birthdays are extra special - my daughter's birthday is in March, and she's just celebrated a significant one.

Petrea Burchard said...

Ms. M, you asked and I shall tell: I received a new laptop, a Macbook Air, which I've been coveting since the day it was announced. I also received a full day of my husband's time, when he's busy with his movie, and that is more precious to me than a laptop or even a desktop computer or even a massage.

Susan, I'll think of that next time. I love Cafe Verde but have never tried their breakfast.

Linda, I know some people pass birthdays by but I insist on celebrating mine. I do, I do, I do!