Thursday, February 23, 2012

Eaton Canyon Trails

It's easy to find adventure and solitude in Eaton Canyon, even if you stay on the trails. That's because there are so many trails to choose from.

I'd say the helicopter rescues in the Canyon have been a dime a dozen lately but I don't have any idea how much they cost. (Helicopter maintenance, gas, crew, training, gas, ropes, aggravation, gas, gas...) Tuesday there were three rescues in Eaton Canyon in just over 24 hours. My friend said she hoped the rescuees were being charged for these efforts. If these people are going off the trails, I agree. Send 'em a bill.

I think most hikers cost their fellow taxpayers a bit of trail maintenance. Take me. I am so predictable. Boring, even. See that heavily-trodden part down the middle? Me.

And still, I make discoveries.


pasadenapio said...

Boz is jonesin' for some chicken tenders! FYI, the Pasadena Fire Department search and rescue team is usually a partner in find-the-missing-hiker(s) operations. Add staff time to all those other costs...

Kalei's Best Friend said...

I agree with you about hikers that go off the trail... Remember the story about that Oregon family that traveled in the snow? To me that was not so bright... Its a shame that at times its at the cost of lives.
BTW how long of a convo did Boz have with those chickens?

Steven said...

I had no idea that Boz was a "bird dog."

Petrea Burchard said...

PIO, our dear Boz will eat anything, and I do mean anything, except perhaps a live thing. I honestly think he'd be happy to have a chicken for a friend.

Thanks for chiming in on this--we've got Pasadena Fire Department as well as Altadena Search and Rescue, plus the staff time you mention, topped off with a recession and a monumental wind storm that cleaned our coffers. I don't want people getting lost up there just because they feel too guilty to call for help. But folks ought to use a little sense in the first place.

Kalei, they visited for five minutes or so. The chickens did most of the talking. Note there's a cyclone fence.

Steven, Boz likes everybody.

Bellis said...

I've been there when a rescue was going on. Large numbers of fire trucks, paramedics and police rush to the Pinecrest Gate as well as the helicopter. I guess it gives them something to do. What cell phone company are these kids with? My AT&T phone doesn't work in that narrow canyon.

Those poor chickens! They're put there by the USDA to detect West Nile virus. I think their cage conditions would be illegal in Europe.

Petrea Burchard said...

Bellis, my AT&T phone doesn't work in my house in the middle of Pasadena.
West Nile Virus? You know everything.

Latino Heritage said...

I'm walking the straight and narrow with you. I feel sorry for folks who need help because they've strayed, if they chose to go off the path, well, not so much.
Maybe Boz was communicating with the chickens. Being chickens we know they wouldn't understand.

Trish said...

I'd have to add---if the hikers are going off trail or going out unprepared, then bill them to the hilt! A little day hike, no map, no prep, no real pack, no clue---bill 'em Danno!

I'm pretty middle of the road too--we're the old, boring, married folk people talk about. Tho there was that one 'day trip' to Reno a few years back. I think my tush still hurts from all that driving!

Lucky Boz! Hope he had a good conversation with the appetizers, I mean, chickens. Amazing what you find out when you wander a bit.

Hmmnn, am suddenly hungry for some chicken tender leftovers I made two nights ago...

Margaret said...

Sweet Boz would like a chicken for a friend, huh? I think sweet Scout would go straight for the chicken's throat.

Petrea Burchard said...

LH, I wouldn't be surprised if chickens and Boz communicate on some level. Subliminal, maybe. Boz is good with vibes.

Trish, you made me hungry.

Margaret, that's why when Boz and Scout get together, Scout is the alpha in the relationship.

Ms M said...

Maybe Boz is a Chicken Whisperer...

Petrea Burchard said...

Either that, Ms. M, or those chickens are Boz whisperers.

Vanda said...

I wonder how hikers end up stuck like a cat in a tree. Don't they enough common sense not to go down on a trail they can't go back up on?

And also, is there phone reception out there?

Petrea Burchard said...

As for phone reception there must be, because these people call for help. But Vanda, there's been so much publicity lately, so many rescues, that I wonder if people are going on the trails just to see what happens.

Susan Campisi said...

That's an impressive discovery. I wonder how Tommy and I missed those chickens.

Petrea Burchard said...

Apparently Tommy is not a chicken whisperer.