I sort of make new year's resolutions, but not exactly. (Maybe this year I'll begin to consider using slightly more definitive language.)
I'm not going to resolve to do anything I don't want to do, even if it would make me a better person. I wouldn't, for example, resolve to learn how to cook (why would I do that? I don't enjoy cooking) or run a marathon (tried that last year and ended up in physical therapy).
Better for me to lose a bad habit, or do more of something I've been wanting to do.
quit worrying
garden more (the condition of the yard is getting to me)
exercise more
Love the image of the bird on the rock, about to leap into the new year. I'm hoping to manage my time better. I seem to fritter the day away now I don't have regular work hours any more.
I don't think there is anything that would make you a better person. You are awesome and perfect just the way you are. But you will feel better if you quit worrying (I gave that up years ago and I highly recommend it).
Guess give up worrying, because unless there's some definitive action you can take that would improve the situation, your worrying won't make a difference. "Change the things you can ..."
I, too, find I'm a very accomplished fritterer. Need to do less of that, finish my book, take better pictures, make nice paintings, start another book project. Blah, blah, blah.
Have a happy and prosperous new year
My new years resolution should bring me gross national happiness. I've pulled my 5 year old crock pot out from the back of the cubbord and am using it for the first time. Crock pot mastery for 2012
No resolutions here. Just some nice-to-haves.
Bellis, that's a tough one. It took me a long time to master when my schedule first became my own. I've finally gotten it down so pat that I almost never schedule in any fun! I should add that to my list of resolves.
Hi Denise! Thank you, yes, I get what you're saying. Maybe being a happier person is what I'm looking for. Worry is a habit. It doesn't help any situation. It's like smoking, or chewing one's nails. It's something I want to unlearn.
Speedway, I'm doing all three items on the list (adding fun now, so four). Some frittering is fun and good for the brain. But accomplishing one's goals is a tonic.
PA, I'm glad you're going to master the crock pot this year. I think we should all shoot for GNA.
(PA and I both read about Bhutan)
A perfectly good resolution, Hiker, here in Gross National Land. I hope you get them.
love the serene photo:)
resolutions are overrated imho. would rather focus on small changes throughout the year to make life better.
What a calm photo.
I haven't made a resolution in several years and I haven't lived up to one in even longer. And yet I've just spent the past several minutes thinking about what I should change for the upcoming year.
I decided not to make any resolutioons this year, thus keeping myself out of failure-land. I could lose weight, exercise more, get my garden under control, organize my life, find work ... but nay, no resolutions for me!
Maybe resolving to do something for someone else is a better way to think about it? I think of resolutions as self-improvement, but I don't suppose they have to be.
I gave up making resolutions years ago---I was always too hard on myself if I didn't follow thru.
Every NYE, we sit down to a delicious meal I prepare. We talk about the last year; pros/cons, what we enjoyed and what we f'ed up or could have at least done a little better at. And then, aim to just try to make the new year better than the last in terms of things we can control. When I was going thru chemo, my goal was just to live to see the next NYE.
I tried giving up worrying as much as I've been known to do...but then I worry about things more it seems. What I do try to do is not let the worry control my life. I can be concerned about a friend in hospital, but unless I'm there helping to take care of her, I don't get to spend all day worrying about her.
oh and my cousin just dropped 40lbs. She kept mentioning that she'd "lost" 40 lbs to a friend, who pointed out, when you lose something, that implies you want it back. So she said she's "left behind" or "released" 40lbs last year.
I usually make resolutions and then feel pressured by them. This year I want to be less goal-oriented and less stressed and instead focus on the simple pleasures each day. How's that for an anti-resolution?
I want to live like the birds in your photo.
I'm off to check out the GNH link...
This year I'll manage my resolutions backward, like Merlin: guilt first—for months—then faltering attempts at action, followed by last-minute decisions on Dec 31st.
Next year: regret & repeat.
Cracking photo, BTW. One of your best.
Trish, I like your NYE dinner tradition. So sane.
Resolve to be unresolved, Susan. I like it.
JS, will you be getting younger, too? Will we need a nanny? (glad you like the picture)
Walk, write, sell, teach. Some combo there of...
I would like to stop thinking I know what's best for my grown children. I would like to start seeing the value of what my husband does for me instead of only seeing what I think he doesn't do. I guess this is all about letting go, and knowing everybody really is wise enough to make their own choices. I would also like to introduce some color into my wardrobe. I wear a lot of black and the other day one of my kids asked me if I was going to a funeral.I wasn't.
Whether I make a resolution of it or not, I plan to save time and spend it on more important things. So, less vegetating, less interneting such as blogging, less day dreaming, less time eating unhealthy. With this savings I hope to invest it more with people, exercising, and, well, that would be enuf.
Less time online. Really, I fall into this ether world and wake up two or three hours older.
Wow, Roberta, yeah, I want to resolve your resolutions!
That's so very heartfelt, Patricia. I wish you well with it. Be good to yourself.
Less time-wasting, Cafe? Some good time-wasters are healthy, but I see you've listed a few.
Haha, Desiree, I don't want to get old on the web either! But believe it or not I don't spend much time surfing.
I'm not the resolution type, but I will make an effort to get rid of clutter (both physically and mentally). And it would be nice to find moments as serene as your delightful photo.
i wish I was that little bird on the rock. Beautiful photo!
Well, I got to ride on a float in the Rose Parade yesterday, and that wasn't even a resolution! Incredibly cool.
Mine real resolution is simply to get healthy again. Tomorrow is the first in a series of pre-op appointments for the next surgery. And retirement at the end of April! I look forward to being able to live a life without the daily grind and getting my energy and stamina back (knock on wood).
Petrea, thanks for all your support through this incredible journey. And Happy New Year to you, John and Boz!!
When you get rid of your clutter, Katie, would you take a look at my office?
Hi JoDee! Thanks for coming by. I'm glad you like the photo!
Ann, it must have been such a rush to ride on that float! I'm so glad you got to do it. It's a big deal.
I didn't know you had more surgery to endure. You know you have a lot of support here.
Such a beautiful photo!
As far as New Year resolutions, I usually don't make any. But I have things I "work" on throughout.
I resolve to live, love and laugh...and take more photos!!!
Love your pic...very serene and contemplative...perfect for the new year thoughts!!!
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