Friday, June 3, 2011

Bathe R Doggie

Some people would like to wait even longer between baths than they already do, but some people run in the Arroyo and roll in unspeakable things until they stink to high heaven so as unfortunate as it may appear and as pitiful as they may look, some people are finally forced to bathe, as cruel as it seems to some people.

Thank goodness we've found Bathe R Doggie. Or, to be more accurate, thank Bellis. She recommended the place and we checked it out yesterday. They'll wash your dog, do his pedi-pedi, clean his teeth and--and more. (Yes, that, too.)

You can choose to wash him yourself in one of their nice, clean tubs. They provide everything you need, even a little apron, which I didn't notice until I was soaked and almost finished rinsing. But that's okay. I enjoy the bonding experience Boz and I share when I bathe him (even though he loathes it). At least one of us gets to bond and the other, once the experience is endured, gets a treat.

At last, one person is clean and the other person is covered in soapy dog hair. We come home exhausted and some people get a nap.


John Sandel said...

That's it. I'm calling the ASPCA.

dive said...

Wow! What a great idea, Petrea. Not so sure Boz gives it his full approval though.

Shell Sherree said...

Oh, Boz. That's an excellent accusatory stare. Nice to have him in mint condition for his next Arroyo outing.

irinapictures said...

His stare. He looks disappointed that you took the camera in that important moment..))

Kate said...

Expression on that mournful face speaks volumes. During the winter DH sometakes takes our Maggi to the neighborhood pet store for her beauty appointment. Think I'll go along next time...

T Thompson said...

There are pet stores in this part of the world that have the same facilities, and I love em.

Heck, there's even one around with a indoor dog pool!

Anything to get the customer in the door.

Anonymous said...

We are not amused.

Bellis said...

Poor Boz! Look at his face - it speaks a thousand words, doesn't it? Well, maybe a couple of sentences - "Mummy, why are you removing all my lovely doggie odor? They'll laugh at my cissy clean smell." If he could choose his own shampoo, he'd probably go for Eau de Rotted Skunk, Abby's favorite. Imagine the respect he'd get in Chihuaha Alley.

Trish said...

LOVE the look!

"awwwww, moooooom, nooooo, noooot a PICTURE! I'm nekkid and wet and no longer stinkified! I bet you're gonna show it to all your friends and everything! argh!".

Have to lol at the apron thing. Many years ago, I tried to help a friend wash her goldens, who liked being washed even less than Boz does. Even with the aprons, we were soaked and humid and furrified for days. I swear I was pulling fur out of my teeth for a week! But we could not stop laughing!

Hope Boz stays unstinkified for a while.

wv: hellabam----lol...Boz is hellabam not happy at his run thru the wash! git down, git down, git down, hellabam!

Petrea Burchard said...

I admit I considered not posting this photo. It's a phrase I've seen Dina Dina use about not gazing at your neighbor while he's in his shame. But I don't think dogs feel shame. He just doesn't like being washed. I wonder if he thinks he's being punished. Poor sweetie. I reassured him as much as possible and kept telling him he was a good boy.

Speedway said...

Ooh,Mom, puh-leeze! Not when I'm all wet! And with people smells, too!

Years ago, I had to bathe a pair of cats I had at the time, a Siamese and a regular old tabby cat. Neither beastie was as difficult to handle as you might think. Frankly, it surprised me, too. A while later, as I was watching TV, I saw the two cats standing, nose to nose, discussing things so to speak. Then they turned and jumped on the couch to join me, one on each side. I knew I was forgiven.

As Boz has forgiven you. He knows you mean well AND you're in charge of the treats.

Birdman said...

Doggie shots are popular today for some reason. Go Fetch!

John Sandel said...

Dogs feel shame, all right, being pack animolecules. But Boz has no concept of photography, so what he's showing here is not shame. It's pure, unadulterated submission, with a neurotic dollop of suffering.

Steven said...

What a great concept. If I had one of those I would call it "Dog & Suds." And I would sell hotdogs and beer to the dog owners.

Petrea Burchard said...

Forgiveness and shame. They go through their emotions quickly, holding no grudges, though their strong sense of smell triggers memories of sorts.

Treats for the humans, Steven. I like it.

Laura M said...

I am going to forward the self-service bathing link to my sons, who usually end up bathing our dogs when they get so dirty even boys can't stand them.

The last time we had our dogs professionally bathed, one of them messed and they had to bathe her twice. I've been too embarrassed to take them back there!

Curly said...

Bless him... he doesn't look very happy! :-DDD

J.J. in L.A. said...

Boz would never have to get a bath if he looked at me like that. Poor baby! lol!

Trish said...

dogs do feel shame, but this is not it. He'd like to get out of the tub sooner than later, get more stink on him and be free. In the tub, they have so little control and so little ability to please you AND they are scared, so it is tough. And smells a little like the vet, so doubly-scary.

I like the dogs & suds idea!

Petrea Burchard said...

Yeah, not happy but not shame.

He really, really does not like being bathed at all. I don't know why it frightens him so much, because we coo and kiss and tell him we love him the whole time and always have. But we didn't have him for the first five years of his life and who knows what he learned during that time?

Laura, I wonder if there's some place closer to you. This is at California and Pasadena Ave. Worth the drive if you don't have one close, though.

Susan Campisi said...

Oh, I've seen that expression. Tommy looks exactly like that when he gets bathed, although I must admit it's been awhile. He's definitely due for one.

LPB said...

I had a couple of cats that even the vet couldn't handle, their file was marked "dangerous". I still have the scars from one attempt to bathe these critters.

So the things got brushed clean, that's it. Helped that they were completely indoor cats...but the fleas came, nonetheless. So I am now catless and flealess


Diana said...

More than once I have had occasion to take Miss "oooh, dead animal - let's roll" Sadie directly from the Lower Arroyo to Bathe R Doggie, all windows rolled down no matter what the weather, so you're following in a fine tradition, Petrea.

Petrea Burchard said...

Susan, that tells me you are definitely the Alpha. Take advantage.

Laurie, thanks for reminding me to add the Frontline.

Diana, having witnessed the charming Sadie indulge herself in one of her rolls, I quite understand.

Ms M said...

They do get that look when they have to have a bath, don't they -- especially after feeling such doggy joy that they've found the perfect stench to roll in.

Katie said...

Boz you sure do make me smile with that classic look of yours.

John Sandel said...

That boy a tad walleyed.

Anonymous said...

Boz's face says it all...

Dina said...

Oh! You refer to the Pirke Avot, the Ethics of the Fathers in the Talmud, quote
"Do not seek to see your friend in the time of his humiliation."

Petrea, that was a post from *three* years ago. Your teachers must have loved you.

Boz was lucky to have you, his friend, looking at him with love and helping him stay calm while getting clean.

Curly said...

Ohhhh he was five? Well I know for sure not every dog likes bathing... my friend's dog really looks that desperate and she has always had him so maybe it's just like among humans... not everyone likes water and soap. He's a sweet dog, yours! He is! :-)

Petrea Burchard said...

Maybe so, Daisy. Maybe it's innate. He sure likes to get into *dirty* water, though.

Dina, three years? I even remember the picture of a small stone building. (Of course that could be many of your posts). That one stuck with me. The phrase conveys so much. (The teachers who liked me were the teachers who taught things I was interested in.)

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly. Boz is showing you his Aldrovandi Dog.

Petrea Burchard said...